• Resolved anandaravind


    Hi, I am trying out your plugin for my site. It is elegant and works well to bookmark individual posts/products. In addition to this, I would like to have users of my site be able to bookmark a complete category. For example, Breakfast recipe. Breakfast is a category that has multiple blogs containing different recipes. Is this option available in the Pro version or is it a setting that needs to be set or is this function not possible? Please clarify.

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  • Thread Starter anandaravind


    Got the answer: the plugin cannot be used to bookmark category.

    We just released the support for adding categories, tags, custom terms, and author pages.

    View post on imgur.com

    Thread Starter anandaravind


    Wonderful!!! @hasanrang05 Much appreciate your prompt action and the enhancement — Thanks much.

    Thread Starter anandaravind


    @hasanrang05 I upgraded plugin to the latest release. The enhancements you mentioned in term of usability improvements are in place. Thanks for the changes. However, I am not able to get it to work for category. On the archive page or on the latest blog page, the Wishlist option is displayed for each of the individual blog entries; but I am not able to get the Wishlist added to the archive page or the list of categories. The Wishlist General Setting options does not have an option to enable it to any other type than Post type. Any suggestions as to how to it to work on categories? Please clarify.

    Not sure how you used the shortcode under category loop, please try following shortcode

    <?php echo do_shortcode( '[wishlist_button id="'.$term_id.'" obj_type="term" show_count="yes" show_menu="yes" ]' ); ?>
    Thread Starter anandaravind


    Thanks for the snippet; will test and reach out if there are any issues.

    Thread Starter anandaravind


    @hasanrang05 Looks like I am not doing something right here…My whole Wishlist archive is broken now! In short, here is what I have done: Installed and enabled the plugin. Enabled the Wishlist for the required post type. Create a page to display the saved Wishlist (used short codes) On the front end, the Wishlist option is displayed and is getting saved, even under a new category. However, when I go to the My Wishlist page, it shows the name and the number of items, but when I click the individual Wishlist, I get a Oops! That page can’t be found message!!! The URL path is <site name>/wishlist/products-i-love/ What am I missing? Please clarify.

    Please send me your page URL where you are trying.

    Thread Starter anandaravind


    @hasanrang05 I am working on the local; so, do not have a link to share. Here are the details of the setup: WordPress 5.8 and Blocksy theme. I have created custom post type using CPT UI plugin.

    Please create a dummy site and send me URL.

    Thread Starter anandaravind


    @hasanrang05 Here is the link: https://onelearnapp.com/dummysite/ And the link to the Wishlist page is https://onelearnapp.com/dummysite/?page_id=620 The Wishlist seems to be working fine although there was no setting change that I did!!! However, I am not able to get it to work for Category. Can you please review?

    I can see the wishlist on category pages under post loop,


    I am not sure you want to display wishlist for category pages(so that category page can be added as wishlist item) or post loop on category pages.

    Please enable registration on your site, I will create an account to test the wishlist.

    Thread Starter anandaravind


    Thanks @hasanrang05. I have enable registration. I want to display wishlist for category pages, so that the categories can be added as a wishlist item.

    You will need to add the wishlist button shortcode manually under caetgory.php file to display wishlist button on category pages. please see the screenshot for example

    View post on imgur.com

    I will add an option to display wishlist button dynamically under category title or descriptions.

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