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  • Hi there,

    yes, this has, of course, been implemented by now – for a long time. ??

    You have also been looking in the right place.
    When you want to relate existing posts (or pages, for that matter) to each other, you have to edit one of them, and then, for each Translations meta box, do this:

    • click the Change relationship button;
    • check the Select existing post … radio input;
    • either check one of the offered (up to ten) posts
    • or use the Live search first, and then choose your desired post.

    How exactly is the Live search not working?
    As with the default (pre)selection, you get displayed up to ten results (post status: draft, publish, private). The search is the default WordPress search, so it is not limited to the post title, although keywords matching the title are rated higher than for the content.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter twentyZEN


    The live search just doesn’t show any results…
    Browser console throws two errors:
    ../wp-admin/admin-ajax.php net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
    ../wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error)

    ../wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error)

    That one indicates an error on the server side. Can you show the PHP error log or set WP_DEBUG to true and show, how the response body looks like?

    Thread Starter twentyZEN


    Strange enough, other Ajax based interfaces in WP work – e.g. media center. WP debug didn’t show any more clues.

    I enabled WP_DEBUG and set it to write a file (display didn’t show anything). However – a debug.log was not created in wp-content. Strange?

    What is about the native php error logs? (If you want to enable WP error logging, you’ll have to define WP_DEBUG_LOG and set the value to true.)

    Thread Starter twentyZEN


    I did set the WP_DEBUG_LOG to true. No log created. I try to get ahold of the PHP logs.

    However: I now know that the problem is related to with “Fusion Core” plugin of the popular “Avada” Theme by ThemeFusion. Who do I report the bug to?

    As a workaround I can now disable “Fusion Plugin” for the moment I want to link pages. However, this always leads to the page looking weired for this time.

    I try to get ahold of the PHP logs.

    This would be really helpful.

    I now know that the problem is related to with “Fusion Core” plugin of the popular “Avada” Theme by ThemeFusion. Who do I report the bug to?

    Are both (plugin and theme) available somewhere so that we have a chance to reproduce the error?

    Who do I report the bug to?

    Ideally to the plugin authors.

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