Hi there,
Is the Gazette Theme ready for Gutenberg or are there any changes needed to run Gazette with the Gutenberg version of WordPress?
All existing themes, including Gazette, should continue working even after Gutenberg. If the theme is not specifically updated for Gutenberg you might find that the editor does not use exactly the same fonts and styling as the site itself – part of the idea of Gutenberg is that what you see in the editor should look exactly how the published post will look on the site.
There might also be minor style issues with some blocks, if they clash with what the theme does. But this is a general issue all themes need to deal with. If you notice anything like that in Gazette, you can open a new thread here to report it, and we can escalate it to the developers.
Also, will the Gazette Theme be fully supported (this forum) in the forthcoming Gutenberg era?
Themes are periodically retired, at which point we stop providing support for them, but there’s no immediate plans to retire Gazette.