Hmmm… not sure about the advice to “stay away from all hosts with blog in their name,” since I own and have run Blogomania for close to 3 years without any problems. It is my full time job, and I have a good support team to help keep things up and running. We have a record of almost no downtime (never say never, it will come back to haunt you) and have close to 400 satisfied clients.
We offer both cPanel and Fantastico; WordPress installs take a matter of minutes, everything is ready on the server for you and it is configured for your needs already.
And I don’t just support WordPress clients … I use WordPress myself.
I understand the pain involved in moving a website, so the day I heard about Bloghosts closing down, I made the offer of the first month of hosting *FREE* with Blogomania for any Bloghost clients. Also, with access to your current cPanel, we can assist you with migrating your site. (Unfortunately, the cPanel migration script is not able to run on the Bloghost servers, so moves must be done manually.)
If any WordPress users would like to try out our services – whether they come from Bloghosts or not – please let me know. I will gladly extend that 1 month FREE offer to you also. (Offer good through Dec. 31, 2004. You must sign up by that date and reference this post as how you “found” Blogomania.)