• Resolved userword


    im learning xampp, already installed, but i ask myself if once it is working and as it is supposed to be the place to make changes and create content before moving them to the real wordpress in my host account, i can simply import the database from xampp phpmyadmin to my host phpmyadmin
    and even use those ones as backups instead of downloading them from the host phpmyadmin

    im am not sure about how am i supposed to work once xampp is installed

    is xampp only to test layout or themes modifications, and new plugins in a fake wordpress install before passing those changes to the real wordpress installation on your host, or can you also work on that fake local install of wordpress, add posts, and pictures and then import the database and overwrite the older database version in phpmyadmin in my host account.

    wait a momment if i do that i would be losing any feddback from the net like comments, clouds and so on

    hmm is that right

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  • Hi,

    Yes, MySQL database backup from xampp is a valid backup on Hosted wordpress.


    Shane G.

    I use a local install of xampp and my site for testing. However, I use the live site database as the master. I periodically save the live database using the plugin WordPress Database Backup, and import into my local database.

    I just have to change the URL of the live site to the URL of the local site wherever it occurs in the SQL before the import.

    Theme changes and plugins are copied the other direction, from the local site to the live site with filezilla.

    Thread Starter userword


    Thx both for your replies. Got some more for you:

    1.Does that mean that user and password for the database must be the same in wordpress live and wordpress xampp version.

    2.And about editing url somewhere inside the database, does that require any special software, i have jst opened a copy of my database with notepad and it is all messed, tried with wordpad and then was all well ordered. Can i just make the change of that url line in wordpaad and save as sql file extension again.

    .How does that url line looks like, could you please put me an example. And under wich section it is located. And if xampp is in c:\ in my computer is the url supposed to be changed to something like C:\xampp\htdocs\www.yourdomain.com.

    .On the other side where do you both create new content:

    .-do you use the new post feaature in your xampp wordpress then export the database and import into wordpress live.

    .-or do you create it in a desktop app like openoffice word or microsoft word and once you are happy with result you copy paste it to your word press live through new post feature.

    .-or you simply write directly in the new post feature of your wordpress live.

    1. I leave them the same for convenience; they do not have to be the same, but it is less trouble than having to edit them every time I do a transfer.

    2. Any plain text editor will do; wordpad is fine. I personally like Notepad++, a free editor that provides syntax highlighting and more.

    3. The URL may appear in lots of places, you must change all of them. It will look like https://mysite.com/ with possibly more tacked on the end like https://mysite.com/2009/09/foster. You must change the https://mysite.com part to the location of your local site, usually something like https://localhost/mysite.com.

    See the Codex topics WordPress Backups and Moving WordPress for lots more detail about the process.

    4. As I said before, my live database is the master. No database content is exported from the local site to the live one, only the other way. I create test content on the local site, but I never export it to the live site. If I need it on the live site, I either copy and paste it or just recreate it there as a new post or page.

    2) Mostly I work in Kate on Slackware Linux, but on Windows I’m fond of Crimson and PSPad– both free. jEdit is also quite nice and since it runs in Java it runs on most systems with a working Java core.

    You can edit a SQL file in a text editor without issue, although small mistakes can wreck everything, but I’d recommend installing PhpMyAdmin on your local server. It makes database work considerably less painful.

    3) You can ameliorate but not eliminate this problem by using the ‘bloginfo’ function liberally. You may have to keep two copies of your .htaccess too. Frankly, some things I don’t bother changing– image urls for example. They load from the hosted site just fine.

    4) Same answer as vtxyzzy. My local DB never gets uploaded. Periodically the live DB gets saved to disk as a backup and then imported into the local DB.

    Thread Starter userword


    Hmm! thx you very much, i have just read comparative in wikipedia about notepad++ and it can do anything you need from a text editor and more if you put some plugins, already downloaded. Thx also for codex links i didnt thought of looking in that kind of topic to answer my questions.


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