• Hello,
    I have following problems with this plugin:
    – some of the meta data are not known by the plugin (e.g. ? EXIF:ImageDescription, IPTC:CopyrightNotice, IPTC:2#116 )
    – ALL:PHP ist not working as well
    – when I try to edit the template-fields, the cursor is going out after each character

    I′m using the plugin in a multisite installation. Activation in the network or in a single blog makes no difference.

    Thanks for help!



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  • Plugin Author peterhudec


    By not known you mean that the plugin returns the whole template tag like {EXIF:ImageDescription} or just an empty string? Are the other tags working?

    The syntax highlighting is fancy but fragile feature and it is the cause of your cursor jumping. There is a checkbox on the top of the Settings page where you can disable the highlighting. What browser are you using?

    Thread Starter bhenselmann


    Hi Peter,
    thanks for your response!

    Yes, that the whole template tag is shown up in the field, instead of the EXIF-content.

    I′m using firefox 19.0

    I just disabled the highlighting. So I can write in the fields. But when I try to safe the changes, it′s not getting saved.


    Plugin Author peterhudec


    Hi Bernard,

    Does it recognize other tags?

    The issue with the syntax highlighting not being saved was fixed in version 1.6.

    Plugin Author peterhudec


    Hi Bernard,

    The tags have been not recognized because of the faulty syntax highlighting in Firefox.

    There is a new version 1.7 with the highlighting and the not-saving issues fixed.

    Let me please know whether it now works.

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