On the settings page: Advanced Settings -> New -> I -> Item 29: Default photo name you can select how wppa should construct the name of the photo.
A.o. the IPTC tags 005 (Graphic name) and 120 (Caption) are currently implemented.
If you want any additional choice here, pls ask me.
You can use any available IPTC tag in the photo description by using IPTC keywords,
see: https://wppa.nl/nl/docs-by-subject/iptc-and-exif-data/
Example of IPTC keyword for Graphic name: 2#005, just put 2#005 in the photo description field (or on the settings page: same page item 13: New photo desc).
The converted 2#.. ( and E#.. for exif ) keywords will show up in the content of the tags:
<meta name="keywords" content="..." >
Ps: After changing the default photo names and/or description on the settings page as described above, you can ‘repair’ the existing ones by running maintenance rutines in Advanced Settings -> Maintenance -> II -> Item 5: Apply Default Photoname and Item 6: Apply New Photodesc