Hi @jiquaglia,
Thanks for using our plugins.
1. The IP address reported above (2800:bf0:8021:1343:5d29:cd80:acd0:7ae) is an IPv6 format IP address. This is normal, your can read more about the IPv4 vs IPv6 here: https://kinsta.com/blog/ipv4-vs-ipv6/
2. Our plugin check the city based on IP address in a third-party database, the response is provided by geoplugin.net site.
Example call ipv6: https://www.geoplugin.net/xml.gp?ip=2a02:2f0e:717:e300:d64:8749:83a7:b01b
Example call for ipv4: https://www.geoplugin.net/xml.gp?ip=
As you can see, our plugin is working from the data get based on the IP address, if the IP is not valid (could be proxied, etc) the Unknown value will be used as city.
Also, you can disable this third party location feature by adding the following code-snippet to your functions.php
add_action( 'uat_show_location_by_ip', '__return_false' );
Hope this makes sense.