If you want to install wordpress on multiple locations (folders) or multiple domains (locations) on the same server i dont think any host object on it or would deny on it !
As you said you tried to install and it over wrote the sites may be you are defining the domain name correctly or not defining the unique folder name correctly while installing wordpress
Additionally please refer this while you create any topics Using wordpress forums
]]>and I have catlibrarian.com and thecatlibrarian.com and christinesibley.com that are all pointing to the same thing, I did not change any pointers, this is their default set up at my host ipage.
christinesibley.com/christinesibley is separate because of the directory.
Is it better to install WP in a subdirectory by one-click install and then point to it somehow? Or is it okay to have the it installed in the root?
]]>so if you want to install it on a ABC.com do not write any thing in the folder name option .
if you wish to install it inside a folder name write the folder that does not exists in the File system ! .
Wordpress installed in any root directory or any subdomian or any folder of any domain or any subdomain works fine .
Also as you said https://www.christinesibley.com redirects to https://thecatlibrarian.com may be there is a redirect you could check it from your host . There is some problem from the host side !
]]>I will need to call the Host support again and see if I can get help. In the meanwhile I can work on the sites until I can get them directed correctly.
: ) Cat65