Excuse me while I go off topic and address the AdTribes Support Team person.
@evavangelooven I have archived your reply. @jorisverwater Please read and make sure this is taken seriously. Your behavior is putting your plugin and accounts in jeopardy here.
Please keep support of users on these forums. In the past you were asking users for admin access.
That’s not in dispute. When you continue to seek to send users off forums then you’re asking for access that is not appropriate. Free users of your plugin are not your customers. They never have been and you need to stop treating users here that way again.
I have also flagged your account temporarily. That just means that your post will need to be approved and @ notifications from you will not work.
If you need to contact the moderators about this then you can do so via the Slack #forums channel.
To use that channel you need a Slack account. You can obtain one via these instructions.
If you do use Slack do not direct message me or any other moderator. Use the #forums channel and any moderator there can assist you.