• Hi, I keep getting this message “Invalid Jetpack connection tokens.” on both the Site Health and the Jetpack Debug pages. Reconnecting Jetpack did not help. Nor completely uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin.

    I tried disabling firewall and caching plugins (WPMU Defender and Hummingbird) and reconnecting but no still no luck.

    There is another critical issue reported on Site Health which might be related:

    Your site could not complete a loopback request.
    Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)

    Site health info (I hesitate inckuding this publicly but since Jetpack Debug recommends doing this under “Still having trouble?”):

    ### wp-core ###
    version: 5.6.1
    site_language: en_US
    user_language: en_US
    timezone: UTC
    permalink: /%postname%/
    https_status: true
    multisite: false
    user_registration: 0
    blog_public: 1
    default_comment_status: closed
    environment_type: production
    user_count: 1667
    dotorg_communication: true
    ### wp-paths-sizes ###
    wordpress_path: /home/xxx/status301.com
    wordpress_size: 154.56 MB (162070767 bytes)
    uploads_path: /home/xxx/status301.com/wp-content/uploads
    uploads_size: 40.02 MB (41962237 bytes)
    themes_path: /home/xxx/status301.com/wp-content/themes
    themes_size: 5.60 MB (5869424 bytes)
    plugins_path: /home/xxx/status301.com/wp-content/plugins
    plugins_size: 131.76 MB (138156553 bytes)
    database_size: 59.80 MB (62701568 bytes)
    total_size: 391.73 MB (410760549 bytes)
    ### wp-active-theme ###
    name: Premium (premium)
    version: 1.0
    author: RavanH
    author_website: https://status301.net
    parent_theme: Vendd (vendd)
    theme_features: core-block-patterns, automatic-feed-links, post-thumbnails, menus, html5, custom-background, title-tag, widgets
    theme_path: /home/xxx/status301.com/wp-content/themes/premium
    auto_update: Disabled
    ### wp-parent-theme ###
    name: Vendd (vendd)
    version: 1.2.4
    author: EDD Team
    author_website: https://easydigitaldownloads.com
    theme_path: /home/xxx/status301.com/wp-content/themes/vendd
    auto_update: Disabled
    ### wp-themes-inactive (1) ###
    Twenty Twenty-One: version: 1.1, author: the WordPress team, Auto-updates enabled
    ### wp-plugins-active (32) ###
    Akismet Anti-Spam: version: 4.1.8, author: Automattic, Auto-updates disabled
    bbPress: version: 2.6.6, author: The bbPress Contributors, Auto-updates disabled
    bbPress Messages: version:, author: Samuel Elh, Auto-updates disabled
    CoolClock: version: 4.3.3, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled
    CoolClock - Advanced: version: 7.2, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads: version: 2.9.26, author: Sandhills Development, LLC, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - Block Editor: version: 1.0, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - Disable PayPal for Multi-Item Checkout: version: 1.0, author: Sandhills Development, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - External Products: version: 1.1.0, author: Daniel J Griffiths, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - Manual Purchases: version: 2.0.4, author: Easy Digital Downloads (latest version: 2.0.5), Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - PDF Invoices: version: 2.2.26, author: Easy Digital Downloads (latest version: 2.2.28), Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - Recurring Payments: version: 2.10, author: Sandhills Development, LLC (latest version: 2.10.1), Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - Sales Recovery: version: 1.4.1, author: Axelerant, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - Software Licensing: version: 3.7, author: Sandhills Development, LLC, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - Stripe Payment Gateway: version: 2.7.7, author: Easy Digital Downloads (latest version: 2.8.0), Auto-updates disabled
    Easy FancyBox: version: 1.8.18, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy FancyBox - Pro extension: version: 1.8.1, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy FancyBox Custom Icons: version: 1.2, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled
    GD bbPress Attachments: version: 4.2, author: Milan Petrovic, Auto-updates disabled
    GD bbPress Tools: version: 3.1, author: Milan Petrovic, Auto-updates disabled
    Highlight Search Terms: version: 1.5.6, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: version: 9.4, author: Automattic, Auto-updates disabled
    Kadence Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Page Builder Features: version: 1.9.15, author: Kadence WP, Auto-updates disabled
    Really Simple SSL: version: 4.0.7, author: Really Simple Plugins, Auto-updates disabled
    Site Kit by Google: version: 1.25.0, author: Google, Auto-updates disabled
    SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: version: 3.5.5, author: Alex Mills (Viper007Bond), Auto-updates disabled
    Transients Manager: version: 1.8.1, author: Pippin Williamson, Auto-updates disabled
    Validator.pizza: version: 1.1.1, author: Validator.pizza, Auto-updates disabled
    WPHelpful: version: 1.2.4, author: Zack Gilbert and Paul Jarvis, Auto-updates disabled
    WP Mail SMTP: version: 2.6.0, author: WPForms, Auto-updates disabled
    WPMU DEV Dashboard: version: 4.10.6, author: WPMU DEV, Auto-updates disabled
    XML Sitemap & Google News: version: 5.2.7, author: RavanH, Auto-updates disabled
    ### wp-plugins-inactive (6) ###
    Branda Pro: version: 3.4.3, author: WPMU DEV, Auto-updates disabled
    Defender Pro: version: 2.4.6, author: WPMU DEV, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy Digital Downloads - Downloads As Services: version: 1.0.7, author: Sandhills Development, LLC, Auto-updates disabled
    EDD Sale Price: version: 1.0.4, author: Jeroen Sormani, Auto-updates disabled
    Hummingbird Pro: version: 2.7.1, author: WPMU DEV, Auto-updates disabled
    Maintenance: version: 4.0, author: WebFactory Ltd, Auto-updates disabled
    ### wp-media ###
    image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
    imagick_module_version: 1802
    imagemagick_version: ImageMagick 7.0.10-10 Q16 x86_64 2020-07-09 https://imagemagick.org
    file_uploads: File uploads is turned off
    post_max_size: 512M
    upload_max_filesize: 512M
    max_effective_size: 512 MB
    max_file_uploads: 20
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_AREA: 251 GB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_DISK: 9.2233720368548E+18
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_FILE: 12288
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP: 251 GB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY: 126 GB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_THREAD: 1
    gd_version: 2.2.5
    ghostscript_version: 9.25
    ### wp-server ###
    server_architecture: Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.36.el7.x86_64 x86_64
    httpd_software: Apache
    php_version: 7.4.14 64bit
    php_sapi: litespeed
    max_input_variables: 250000
    time_limit: 360
    memory_limit: 512M
    max_input_time: 360
    upload_max_filesize: 512M
    php_post_max_size: 512M
    curl_version: 7.71.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1d
    suhosin: false
    imagick_availability: true
    pretty_permalinks: true
    htaccess_extra_rules: true
    ### wp-database ###
    extension: mysqli
    server_version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
    client_version: 10.3.27-MariaDB
    ### wp-constants ###
    WP_HOME: https://premium.status301.com
    WP_SITEURL: https://premium.status301.com
    WP_CONTENT_DIR: /home/xxx/status301.com/wp-content
    WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /home/xxx/status301.com/wp-content/plugins
    WP_DEBUG: false
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: true
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: false
    WP_CACHE: false
    COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined
    COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
    WP_LOCAL_DEV: undefined
    DB_CHARSET: utf8
    DB_COLLATE: undefined
    ### wp-filesystem ###
    wordpress: writable
    wp-content: writable
    uploads: writable
    plugins: writable
    themes: writable
    ### jetpack ###
    site_id: 81426866
    ssl_cert: No
    time_diff: -537
    version_option: 9.4:1612716842
    old_version: 9.4:1612716842
    public: Public
    master_user: #1 RavanH
    current_user: #1 RavanH
    tokens_set: Blog User
    blog_token: ecDhdrjz(yEV73hJySuI3gvn#wDRWb&K
    user_token: %AoVutY1jKF7TRjbTS7d4a&#Ur*RGMvh
    version: 9.4
    jp_plugin_dir: /home/xxx/status301.com/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/
    plan: free
    protect_header: ""
    full_sync: {"started":"Sun, 07 Feb 2021 17:05:40 +0000","finished":"Sun, 07 Feb 2021 17:05:49 +0000","progress":{"options":{"finished":true},"functions":{"finished":true},"constants":{"finished":true},"users":{"total":"2","sent":2,"finished":true,"last_sent":"1"},"network_options":{"finished":true}},"config":{"options":true,"functions":true,"constants":true,"users":[1],"network_options":true}}
    sync_size: undefined
    sync_lag: 0 seconds
    full_sync_size: undefined
    full_sync_lag: 0 seconds
    idc_urls: {"home":"https:\/\/premium.status301.com","siteurl":"https:\/\/premium.status301.com","WP_HOME":"https:\/\/premium.status301.com","WP_SITEURL":"https:\/\/premium.status301.com"}
    idc_error_option: false
    idc_optin: true
    cxn_tests: {"8":{"name":"test__connection_token_health","label":false,"short_description":"Invalid Jetpack connection tokens.","long_description":"<p>A healthy connection ensures Jetpack essential services are provided to your WordPress site, such as Stats and Site Security.<\/p><p><span class=\"dashicons fail\"><span class=\"screen-reader-text\">Error<\/span><\/span> Invalid Jetpack connection tokens.<\/p><p><strong>We recommend reconnecting Jetpack.<\/strong><\/p>","severity":"critical","action":"https:\/\/premium.status301.com\/wp-admin\/admin.php?page=jetpack#\/reconnect","action_label":"Reconnect Jetpack now","show_in_site_health":true,"pass":false,"group":["default"],"type":"direct"}}
    ### google-site-kit ###
    version: 1.25.0
    php_version: 7.4.14
    wp_version: 5.6.1
    reference_url: https://premium.status301.com
    amp_mode: no
    site_status: connected-site
    user_status: authenticated
    connected_user_count: 2
    active_modules: site-verification, search-console, analytics, pagespeed-insights
    	openid: ?
    	https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile: ?
    	https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email: ?
    	https://www.googleapis.com/auth/siteverification: ?
    	https://www.googleapis.com/auth/webmasters: ?
    	https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly: ?
    	googlesitekit_authenticate: ?
    	googlesitekit_setup: ?
    	googlesitekit_view_posts_insights: ?
    	googlesitekit_view_dashboard: ?
    	googlesitekit_view_module_details: ?
    	googlesitekit_manage_options: ?
    	googlesitekit_publish_posts: ?
    search_console_property: https://premium.status301.com/
    analytics_account_id: 2226????
    analytics_property_id: UA-2226??????
    analytics_profile_id: 9203????
    analytics_use_snippet: yes
    ### wp_mail_smtp ###
    version: 2.6.0
    license_key_type: lite
    debug: No debug notices found.
    db_tables: 301_29_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta

    What can I do?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Hi @ravanh. Are you still seeing those invalid token errors? When I run the debugger from here, it indicates that the site is successfully connected with no token errors.

    If you’re still seeing those in Site Health, could you please disable all of your plugins except Jetpack. Then try testing again to see if that error persists. If it goes away, we’ll know that another plugin is interfering here. You can then find out which plugin is the culprit by enabling each plugin one by one and repeating the test after each one.

    Let us know what you find ??

    Thread Starter Rolf Allard van Hagen


    Hi Tracy, yes the error is still there. It’s a live site so I’ll have to wait for an “off hour” for further testing. Will come back here when done ??

    Plugin Support MadHatter (a11n)


    That sounds like a plan.

    No need to reply until you’ve given a chance to troubleshoot with those plugins off, but once you do, please let us know the results and we can help from there. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Rolf Allard van Hagen


    O wow, it turned out to be the web server’s time being off for several minutes.

    After the hosting provider updating server time, both the errors “Invalid Jetpack connection tokens” and “Your site could not complete a loopback request” have gone!

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  • The topic ‘Invalid Jetpack connection tokens.’ is closed to new replies.