Sorry, even that last csv I sent you was incorrect. You MUST match the headers as they are shown on that screenshot you gave me. Those headers are this:
“Name”,”Phone”,”Address”,”Email”,”Company + City”,”How was Product Received:”,”Tracking Number”,”Download Link”,”Date”,”Notes”
Above should be your headers. For “How was Product Received:” and for Company + City (if Company + City is a mutliselect)then the values or entry fields for these would be a comma separated list just like the name and address fields. So, if “How was Product Received:” was a field that could take more than one value, your csv would look like this
“Name”,”Phone”,”Address”,”Email”,”Company + City”,”How was Product Received:”,”Tracking Number”,”Download Link”,”Date”,”Notes”
“John,Doe”,”123-456-789″,”123 Fake st.,,San Diego,CA,92109,”,”[email protected]”,”Rolo Co MI”,”selected 1,selected 2,selected 3″,”234554-abc”,””,”12-12-12″,”This is how it’s done”