Hi @veivan4,
Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this error.
To investigate the issue further, we need to know which file type your device is reading the CSV file as. Could you please share the error log after completing the steps below?
Please follow the path:
product-import-export-for-woo → admin → modules→import→classes→class-import-ajax.php
After the code
$upload_file_details = wp_check_filetype($_FILES['wt_iew_import_file']['name']);
Please add the following line of code:
error_log('<pre>$abc:-' . print_r($upload_file_details, 1) . '</per>', 3, ABSPATH . "/wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/test-log.log");
After the code
elseif( $upload_file_details['ext'] == 'csv') {
Please add the following line of code:
error_log('<pre>$xyz:-' . print_r($_FILES['wt_iew_import_file']['type'], 1) . '</per>', 3, ABSPATH . "/wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/test-log.log");
After this change, please check the test log on the path WooCommerce → Status → logs → test-log and share the exact error message shown via support.