• Going crazy here. No matter what I do, I get the “invalid date and time supplied” error. I saw mentioned about switching the date from “mm/dd/yy” to “mm-dd-yy” and that would supposedly fix the problem. Nope! Help please?

    [datetime* datetime-718 date-format:mm-dd-yy time-format:HH:mm min-hour:9 max-hour:17 step-hour:1 step-minute:30]


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  • appleyardjoe


    I was able to resolve this by adding the following line to the plugin’s js/custom-script.js file:
    dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
    Somewhere in the list of parameters (autoclose to showWeek); you should probably add it to both the class .cf7-datepicker and id #cf7-datepicker arrays. This makes the date picker use the ISO-8601 format (e.g. 2014-03-31 instead of 03/31/2014) which seems to get rid of the “date format seems invalid” error message and allows the message to send. The only problem is, it could be overwritten the next time the plugin is updated. Devs, can you add this to the official code?

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