• Glad to see an update for this plugin! It looks like the changelog is missing some info though?

    I am using WordPress 4.1, Gravity Forms 1.9.beta3, and the Constant Contact Add-On 2.2.1. I tested a simple mailing list subscription form with just an email address field that is linked up to a Constant Contact account.

    This test seemed to work fine, the email addresses I entered showed in the proper contact list in Constant Contact. But there is an error that pops up when the confirmation message loads using AJAX:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c01/h01/mnt/1111/domains/domain.com/html/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/includes/fields/class-gf-field.php on line 16

    Should the latest update have resolved this error, or is this a new or different issue?


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