Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us today. I’m Nathanael, and I’m here to assist you in any way I can.
I absolutely understand the frustration that having issues with spam on your website can cause.
As a first step, I would recommend double-checking this guide to ensure that your reCaptcha is set up correctly, and that reCaptcha fields are added to your forms: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/recaptcha/
Even with reCaptcha installed, manual spam can still occasionally get through. We have even been the victims of manual spam attacks that can’t really be prevented with most automated spam protection.
There are additional layers of spam protection you can add—Akismet works well for us. If there is a common phrase, link or word in the spam that is getting through, you could use the comment blacklist option. I have also heard good things about the anti-spam plugin by Cleantalk.
These tools are all documented here: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/add-spam-protection/
Hope this helps and let us know if you have any further questions on this.