• Hi, if someone could help me I would be very thankful, I’ve been browsing the forum and couldn’t find one answer for this.

    I’m running a Multisite network, and would need to pull the latest posts from all of the sites in the network… divided into categories.

    Now, I’ve installed the Sitewide tags pluggin and have tried to use it with the separated tags blog, extracting the different /category/feed for each category. But this is resulting painful and not useful as the formatting gets lost in the way.

    I would love to know if there is a possibility to pick the choice of posting to the mainsite homepage, BUT instead of posting to the home.php page, post all the posts to another page that I could use as a blog inside my site, to be able to pull from there any category.

    I have read all the pluggin code but cannot seem to find where to modify something like this. Is there anyone that could tell me how to approach this?

    Really, really, lots of thanks!

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  • I’ll need to go test it in 3.0. Where’d you put the plugin?

    I installed through the plugins page – it’s in wp-content/plugins

    It goes in mu-plugins:

    You also need either the sitewide tags plugin or a sitewide feed plugin. the menu shows up under Super admin, and you need to put a feed address in there to pull the posts you want to feature.

    Erm – well I’ve created a folder wp-content/mu-plugins and put both wordpress-mu-featured-posts and wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags in there.

    (Same permissions as wp-content/plugins.)

    Now can’t see them in the Plugins page in wp-admin. How do I activate them? Seems like WordPress 3 has a different way of dealing with multisite plugins?

    No, 3.0 deals with them exactly the same way WPMU dealt with them.

    Put the *files* in mu-plugin. Not the folders.

    They will not show up under the Plugins list to be activated, becasue they already are.

    If you go to the plguins page, look for the “must use” link. Is it there? Then the files are in the right and running. If not, you did it wrong.

    ahhhh – yeah – that works – thanks for your help ??

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