• this one: https://www.fudeu.com/nadaver/
    works fine on safari, but when i check on explorer, i can’t see my colour background in the left menu, and it gives me an extre space in the header.
    why can’t anything from microsoft work well? anyone know what is happening?

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  • Thread Starter aaffonso


    i tried to set bg as a colour not an image, as i gonna need the background for another image later.
    and about the header. why explorer gives me a space bellow my image?
    it really don’t make sense to me. shouldn’t the browsers just read what is in the code? i’m not good with this CSS thing, just starting, and when i see that things are fine on a browser but messed on another i get terribly confused!

    Well that is why some folks supply these templates. If you want to go further you will need to learn xhtml /CSS. It is outside the scope of this forum.

    Thread Starter aaffonso


    is it supposed that i can modify supplied templates according my needs? anyway, does it mean that for what i want Trident will not help and i should look for anything further before i spend more time on it?

    Well you can modify anything anyway you want. If you know how. That is the bottom line.

    Thread Starter aaffonso


    great. if i can modify but at sometime i get stuck, like in this case, can i ask for help on this forum or is it about WP technical problems specifically? is there a good CSS forum out there?

    The Trident layout isn’t too complicated – the css is good, clean and easy to understand. You will break things along the way but the important thing is that you try your hardest to fix thign yourself, by as many means as possible before posting that you are stuc.
    Good luck with your designing.

    Thread Starter aaffonso


    i have nowhere to go. it looks ok, works perfectly on a browser and get messed on another. i simply don’t know if it is my mistake or if it is a browser error.

    Well here is the thing. When Trident left the factory it was cunningly designed to work on all mainstream browsers

    There are many sites out there: Google for “css-discuss” for example, then there’s: alistapart.com, stopdesign.com, veerle.duoh.com, zeldman.com, a lot of sites really…
    But the problem is Internet Exploiter. it will ruin perfectly valid CSS designs, because the browser has many CSS bugs. it is bung.
    This shows a list of it’s known CSS bugs:
    CSS is not supposed to be hard, but Internet Exploiter has made it that way, if it wasn’t for IE’s bugs, there wouldn’t be half the hassle with CSS.
    Either keep it simple, use simple CSS that avoids IE’s bugs in the first place…
    …or (but I wouldn’t recommend this, unless you are an advanced CSS user), then do what I do, and write am additional “fix” CSS file for IE called ie6fix.css and load it through conditional comments, but once again, I don’t recommend this unless you have had some experience with CSS, and fully understand IE’s bugs.
    My site, https://robvdl.sitharus.com uses an IE fix file to fix IE’s bugs/quirks.

    And as Root says, that design would have worked 100% when it left the factory, it’s just when you want to modify the CSS file, you can start running into problems, depends how you go about it.

    Thread Starter aaffonso


    many thanks robvdl for the explanation about browsers and for the links. said that, i think the best for me is trying somehing simple for now and start again. i have tried to find something in google, but it just lead me to crap buy our courses sites, but those are a good start. thanks again.

    That’s quite OK aaffonso. Don’t mention it. No trouble at all.

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