• I just downloaded the Beta 2 version of Internet Explorer 8.0 and I have compatibility issues with WordPress.

    1) Currently I am using BluelineRC theme. Even though it is an older theme for me it is a theme that seems to be dependable and until it displays properly in multiple browsers. On my home page only the most recent blog is displayed with no texts. All I am able to view is title and for the blog text it shows “<!–[endif]–>”.

    2) After logging in and if I go to Manage>Post to bring up a listing of my posts to view wp-admin/edit displays fine. However when you click on the link for a selected post you are brought to wp-admin/post no text shows in the text box but the title does show in the title box.

    3) Zdstats plug-in only partially displays. The graphs that Zdstats generates (e.g. visitors today and technology for example) does not display only the statistics in data form will display.

    At least from a consumer of WordPress perspective this highlights four issues for me.

    #1: Internet Explorer 8.0 once the beta testing is completed may not be compatible with all plugins. Meaning those who are developing plug-in need to be sensitive about browser compatibility especially since Internet Explorer still remains the most popular browser.

    #2: WordPress development team needs to ensure any releases take into account Internet Explorer 8.0 issues and work to resolve them.

    #3: Theme developers need to take into consideration how their themes are likely to be displayed in Internet Explorer 8.0

    #4: Theme developers, plug-in developers, and WordPress development team needs to be proactive in managing compatibility issues with Internet Explorer 8.0 and not wait for users to begin to log issues regarding them.

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  • Thread Starter schnoggle_mcgee


    I did want to add one other piece of information. When I tried Firefox 3.01 with my BluelineRC theme the issues where not present which for me means the issue is compatibility for WordPress, Zdstat plugin, and BluelineRC theme. Furthermore I do accept Beta is a test version and not the final version which means some of the issues may be resolved before the final release is made by Micorsoft. The reason for my post is simple to make theme developers, plug-in developers, and WordPress staff aware of potential issues of compatibility with the upcoming release of IE 8.0. I find too many times such issues are overlooked by theme developers and plug in developers which means for me I have to uninstall their work due to the fact the developer did not properly test their work before releasing it for download. Hopefully by being proactive by considering potential issues releases for themes and plug-ins will be of better quality.

    I find too many times such issues are overlooked by theme developers and plug in developers which means for me I have to uninstall their work due to the fact the developer did not properly test their work before releasing it for download.

    Let me get this straight. The biggest software company in the world can’t create a standards compliant browser, but the blame lies with WP volunteers who give their products away. If Microsoft can’t finally get their shit together, then they shouldn’t unleash another product on the world unless it is finally ready for prime time.

    IE8 has a functionality called Compatibility View. Click on Page, then click on Compatibility View, and it will let you view the entire WordPress site on IE7. I’m able to update just fine using IE8.

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