• Hello there,
    I’ve been trying to tweak the shipping methods a bit so i could add an extra international shipping method to my client and then I’ve encountered this piece of code that’s supposed to add an extra flat rate into my shipping options, which theoretically could work just fine for me, but the only problem is that i don’t know what parameters i should add to exclude my own country (which means – international shipping only).

    add_action( 'woocommerce_flat_rate_shipping_add_rate', 'add_another_custom_flat_rate', 10, 2 );
    function add_another_custom_flat_rate( $method, $rate ) {
    	$new_rate          = $rate;
    	$new_rate['id']    .= ':' . 'custom_rate_name'; // Append a custom ID
    	$new_rate['label'] = 'Rushed Shipping'; // Rename to 'Rushed Shipping'
    	$new_rate['cost']  += 2; // Add $2 to the cost
    	// Add it to WC
    	$method->add_rate( $new_rate );

    Thanks in advance.


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