I second this.
More than one time I ran into the same problem.
Chances are that in overwhelming majority of cases the default charset is ISO8859-1 in mySQL.
Sometimes, even the provider knows not much about the actual settings as was the case with my own provider.
Upon request they said that themselves are using external resorces if mysql problems arise.
Once, I restored a dump where the charset was latin2 and the collation latin2_hungarian_ci. The dump was from the same source.
For the love of my life, I was not able to get my characters displayed correctly. I spent many days and endless hours to find out what the real problem might be.
Unfortunately, in remote phpmyadmin, the server variables and settings option is disabled so there was no way to check up on them. Also, there is a lot of trouble because of the different editors, the phpmyadmin as well, regarding just how they interpreting and displaying a given text. There are troubles regarding the saving options as well.
And at the end and again, the solution was to use online charset converter and converting my seemingly latin2 text from iso8859-1 to utf-8.
I did not succeed to solve the puzzle as yet.
But fat chances there are that the above case is the most common schema for most charset problems.