Internal WP count using CPT UI to create taxonomies
Hi there!
I’m facing some problems creating a search form using the Search & Filter PRO plugin, combined with the Relevanssi plugin to look up for old exams subject by subject. It’s not totally clear what’s going wrong, but it seems to be something with the internal WordPress count. I want visitors of my site ( to be able to select a level (“niveau”), a subject (“vak”) and a topic (“onderwerp”) and what should result is a list with all the documents satisfying the selected properties. The search form this ticket is all about is the one on the right (“Examenvragen zoeken op onderwerp”).
As the Topic Title already suggests, I created taxonomies using the CPT UI plugin. When I go to the the list with (for example) “Niveaus”, I see that the counts are 0, 0, 1 for havo, havo-VWO and VWO respectively. However, these counts should should equal 236, 1 & 521 respectively (when pressing on the 0, 0, 1 counts, a long list with the correct amount of results appears). Back to the search form. I don’t face any problems, as long as “Hide empty terms” is unchecked for the last two fields. However, I want this option to be checked, so that only the relevant results and corresponding counts appear. When I have “Hide empty terms” checked, I don’t obtain any options in the last box and only 1 (Wiskunde B) in the second box, while there should be a lot of choice.
I’m afraid this might be caused by the internal wordpress count. However, I am not that experienced with WordPress. Can someone help me out?
Thanks in advance!
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