• Do you know why I get these Internal Server Errors when writing/editing a post/page?

    I deactivated all plugins and still got the errors below.

    (I found no results when I searched Support for
    “Internal Server Error” TinyMCE
    “Internal Server Error” SuperEdit
    “Internal Server Error” Write

    — Here goes —

    Using WordPress’s standard visual editor (TinyMCE):

    Buttons with “Internal Server Error”:

    – Insert custom character
    – Insert/edit Link
    – Insert image
    – Paste from Word
    – Paste from Text

    Buttons with No Error:

    – Cleanup messy Code (perhaps because I had no real code)

    With WP-SuperEdit activated, in addition to the errors above:

    Buttons generating “Internal Server Error”:

    – Insert New Table
    – Edit CSS style

    Buttons with No Error:

    – Toggle Full Screen


    What can I try?
    What can I investigate?


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  • Thread Starter Jonathon N



    I am really sorry I haven’t been tracking the support requests lately… That holiday season is keeping me busy.

    Off the top of my head this looks like there is a possible permission issue. Check to make sure the permissions on the files are similar to your other WordPress php files. Also double check the install instructions found here or at funroe.net.

    I’ll be on break from my day job soon, and I hope to do some cleanup and minor fixes over the holidays, so feel free to send in personal report to funroe.net.

    Thread Starter Jonathon N


    Permissions are generally rwx r x r x (755).

    There are so many folders and subfolders I did not check all.

    I deleted the folder
    downloaded the plugin’s zip file again, and uploaded the superedit folder and its contents to

    I still get the Internal Server Errors, and when I check my 404 Error log, I see:


    I checked, and indeed, there is no folder /plugins/ within /superxhtmlxtras/.


    Thread Starter Jonathon N


    ev3rywh3re, in case you’re wondering
    why you didn’t notice this support request for a month,
    it’s because:
    Although I posted it a month ago, I tagged it WP SuperEdit. If I’m not mistaken, you get notified of threads tagged WP Super Edit, but not WP SuperEdit.

    Thread Starter Jonathon N


    I had found my tiny_mce_config.php page

    All the plugins in the following list that don’t have dashes

    plugins : “inlinepopups,autosave,spellchecker,paste,wordpress,-wpTable,-polls,bold,searchreplace,vipersvideoquicktags,-fullscreen,-superlayer,-superstyle,-superemotion,-supertable,-superxhtmlxtras,-superclass”

    are included in the directory

    vipersvideoquicktags is both included in that directory and is also listed as:
    tinyMCE.loadPlugin(“vipersvideoquicktags”, “https://www.imagiscape.ca/blog/wp-content/plugins/vipers-video-quicktags/resources/tinymce/”);

    Also of note,
    I was also getting a 404 error for mytheme\editor.css, so I created a blank editor.css file.
    Someday I’ll populate it with things like:
    large {font-size: 200%;}
    (Am I on the right track for that?)

    If you activate the “Custom CSS Plugin” under WP Super Edit and Place an “editor.css” file in you active theme directory, then you can put classes in that file that can be accessed using a drop down menu in the editor.

    You must also have the “Custom CSS Classes” button active in your in one of the editor button rows.

    It only pulls classes like:

    .color-red-bold {
    font-weight: bold;
    color: red;

    so it’s only the “.class-name” classes that seem to show up.

    You will also need to either add the editor.css file or those classes to your Style.css file to see the results to viewers of your site.

    Thread Starter Jonathon N


    thanks – that helps. you may have already done this, but i suggest you add these details to your help/instructions guide.

    very cool.

    Thread Starter Jonathon N


    Problem Remains:

    “Internal Server Errors”
    when I click TinyMCE / SuperEdit buttons on write/edit screen (visual editor).

    (‘ev3rywh3re’, you clarified how to use editor.css, but did not address the internal server errors. Do my answers above give you the information you needed to diagnose the problem?)

    Thread Starter Jonathon N


    Who can I contact regarding TinyMCE?

    Thread Starter Jonathon N


    help? Am I the only one with Internal Server Errors on the visual editor buttons?
    (TinyMCE and/or Super Edit)



    I finally tracked this issue down. It should be fixed in version 1.5 of WP Super Edit.

    Thread Starter Jonathon N


    Summary: My Internal Server Errors still exist, but they are not due to Super Edit.

    I installed Super Edit 1.5 last Thursday, but I still get “500 Internal Server Error” on all the buttons I mentioned at the top of this support topic, as well as on the new HR button.

    I have Monsters Editor for WP Super Edit – deactivated.
    I removed Laurel’s FullScreen plugin since it is now included within Super Edit.

    Still, I get the Internal Server Errors.

    I de-activated WP Super Edit, but I still get the Internal Server Errors.
    I should have tried that before – I think I did not. So, my system’s problem and solution are not to be found within WP Super Edit.

    My analysis of my tiny_mce_config.php page is in a comment above.

    Is there some way I can get the 500 page to provide more details than “Internal Server Error”?

    System info:
    PHP version 5.2.4
    MySQL version 4.1.22-standard
    Apache version 1.3.39 (Unix)
    Operating system Linux
    Architecture i686


    Thread Starter Jonathon N



    In my htaccess file I had:

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html

    so the tinyMCE html files were being processes as PHP.

    A year ago, as I was trying to integrate my original static html site into my new dynamic php site, I read that I should insert that line into my htaccess file. The reasoning seemed cloudy to me, but I knew nothing then, and the author sounded confident. Anyway, that was the problem.

    P.S. There’s more info about this journey, such as finding in my Apache error log “Premature end of script headers”, on factory.funroe.net’s page for WP Super Edit 1.5.

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