@javib6 – So, if you haven’t heard back from them, did you ever find a way to correct the Internal Server error using their PaySimple plugin?
If not, did you find an alternate PaySimple WooCommerce plugin?
If not, did you go a different direction with your credit card processing provider?
2-3 weeks is a long time to not hear back from a business, and we just don’t have that long to figure out the problem.
For clarity, we had no issues testing on Sandbox — everything worked fine, and our test orders processed without any problems.
Once we enabled the credentials for Production, we got the Internal Server error.
I checked the PaySimple end points in the plugin itself, and they did not match the current API information from the PaySimple website. So, I did try changing the endpoints in the code, but that didn’t resolve the issue either.
We’re seeing the following error in our WooCommerce fatal errors log:
CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to a member function deepAll()
related to > woo-paysimple.php, line 513
I’ve opened a support ticket on the company’s website in hopes that someone will get back to us quickly.
If that doesn’t happen, I may have to ask another plugin developer to see if they can help us debug the issue.