• Hello WordPress,

    My site, https://www.considercommonsense.com, has worked for over a year and all of a sudden the internal links on its front page don’t work. They return a “404 – file not found” response. The technicians at Bluehost looked at this and don’t know what is going on, but said the database is in order. They had thought that was the problem, and I wouldn’t have been surprised because no internal links that access the database are working. Could someone please help me identify what is happening and what steps I could take to correct the problem? Thanks for your help.

    I am not sure then this happened, but just over a week ago someone hacked into a different site of mine stored on my Bluehost account and I had to delete files to get it working again, but all were within a different directory so that shouldn’t matter.

    Thanks for your help.

    [email protected]

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  • It’s good that your database is in working order. Do yourself a favor and back up your database plus Manage > Export > All and save XML file to your hard disk.
    Did you add any new plugins or deleted some? Have you tried Admin > Settings > Permalinks and then save settings? Something has screwed up with your pretty permalinks.

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