• Firstly, thank you for this great Plugin.

    Intermittently, when a “New Post Published” campaign notification is triggered, duplicate new post notifications emails are being sent to subscribers and duplicate “Cron URL has been triggered” emails to admins.

    My Cronjob has been setup to run every 15 minutes:
    */15 * * * * curl –silent “https://rachelebrooker.uk?es=cron&guid=??????-??????-??????-??????-??????” > /dev/null 2>&1

    – The duplicate emails are sent within a second of each other.
    – I can see in my syslog file that the cronjob only ran once.
    – ES Reports shows emails status “Sent” against recipients, the recipients aren’t duplicated in the report.
    – I have installed a “Log Emails” plugin which indeed shows that duplicate emails were sent from WP.
    – I am using the WP Mail SMTP plugin connected through Mailgun. Mailgun logs shows duplicate emails being sent.

    The WP blog is running on a Google Cloud Platform – linux-debian-9-x86-64

    I was a little unclear as what to setup in the ES “Email Sending” settings as I am using CRON, in particular “Send Emails At Most Every”. At the moment I have set as follows:

    Disable WordPress Cron – unchecked

    Send Emails At Most Every – 20 mins

    Maximum Emails To Send In An Hour – 300

    Maximum Emails To Send At once – 100

    This problem is only happening about 50% of the time “New Post Published” campaigns are triggered.

    Any help or guidance on how to resolve this would be much appreciated.

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  • I certainly cannot help you as I am having a similar problem and looking for a solution. I’m not as sophisticated as you with the knowledge you have. I have a cron job set up and use WP Mail SMTP as well. Many of my subscribers are complaining that they get two email notifications on each new post. Their names are only occurring once in the list and as far as I can tell there is only one campaign set up.
    Again Thanks for any help people can give.

    Thread Starter brookerrj


    @trentwatts since my initial post there has been a update:
    4.3.9 (08.01.2020)
    * Update: Added compatibility with Outlook mailer of WP Mail SMTP plugin. (Thanks to @kinderkeuken for help us debugging)
    * Fix: Duplicate email import issue.
    Although it only talks about a “Duplicate email import issue.”, Since I updated to 4.3.9 I haven’t had any duplicate emails sent. However, the blog is very new and there aren’t many many emails being sent out at the moment so it’s bit early to say the problem has definitely gone away.

    I noticed that today there is a new update available to 4.3.10 but there are no details about it at the moment.

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