Intermittent Checkout Failures
We recently had a few events (here’s one) where we took registrations and payments through our website.
I have this Stripe plugin to collect payments and a plugin called Events Manager to take reservations. Some visitors had complications submitting their payment, and I was curious if there were any known issues. I didn’t see the events plugin nor our template (Tempera) counterindicated in the Stripe plugin documentation
The complicated part is that I cannot recreate any of these user-reported errors. I have, however, heard the same or similar issues from multiple parties, so I believe there is truly some sort of issue. There’s a few different issues users reported:
1. They are not able to submit payment online due to an error that JavaScript and cookies need to be enabled for the page to work. The people telling me about these errors aren’t the most tech-savvy, so they weren’t able to provide much extra info, e.g. browser, version, etc. Some did tell me they knew JS & cookies were enabled and they still received this error. It sounded like they were predominantly using IE, but at least one customer said Chrome. I would take these peoples’ CC info by phone and checkout as if I was them; I successfully used the same checkouts on Mac (Chrome & Safari), Windows (Chrome & IE), and Mobile (Safari & Chrome). I cannot reproduce this error unless I try to check out in an Incognito window, which I know blocks cookies. Some people told me they used multiple PCs and even tried on mobile unsuccessfully. Has anyone else had these complications?
2. They enter CC info, click submit, see a green checkmark in place of the blue submit button (do not see the secondary redirect with the green box, transaction id, etc.), and assume payment went through. I don’t think it’s unreasonable that users expect that their payment went through when they saw the green with the checkmark. In this day of overflowing inboxes, they didn’t notice that they didn’t get an email confirmation, they don’t know that they’d typically be redirected to a page to see a bunch more information, and they didn’t check their statement or notice that the amount had not been charged to their CC. Has anyone else had this reported?
3. This last one I heard least often: They submit payment through the popup, they say they see the redirect page with the green box which presumably provided a transaction id they don’t write down; they never receive a confirmation email, and we never receive payment. I presume that the same function that calls the page redirect also generates the confirmation email for the payment, so I’m not sure how they’d see one and not have the other. Also, I presume that if a transaction id is displayed, it’d be tied to our transactions in Stripe, which makes me think they don’t see the redirect page. Like I said, the troubleshooting details available are fuzzy at best, particularly for this reported scenario.
Even though these events are in the past, we will do them again next year, and we still have donation links and payment for other items available through our website using this plugin. I wanted to reach out and see if any others have experienced similar issues and hopefully have been able to correct them.
Any insight is appreciated in advance. Thank you!
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