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  • Hi Jürgen,

    Not sure but it might be possible with custom coding…

    Hi, Stefano here from the Newsletter plugin. The booking form is something related to an account creation in WP or could be just a form to collect data without an account on WP?

    If an account is created, state that the even user_register is fired Newsletter is able to register the subscriber. If the form is a free form, it could be useful to know if Event Manager fires and event when the booking is registered. More someone could desire to have a check box to opt in the newsletter, how can it be added to the EM forms?

    To the developers: we can continue the discussion via mail at [email protected].


    Thread Starter koenigj


    Hi Stefano,

    thanks for dropping into this question. Bookings in Events Manager are possible with or without creating a new user or login. I prefer booking without registering.

    Checkboxes can be added in the paid premium version (which I use). For programming details I cannot help, unfortunately.

    Would be very glad, if you find a solution.


    Hi Stefano,

    Thanks for your offer of help. I’ve passed this thread on to Dev team for their feedback.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Hi Stefano,

    It happens both with and without user registration, but in all cases we fire actions and filters at various stages of the booking process, so it can definitely be done.

    I’ve sent you an email, would be great if we can sort out an integration!


    Thread Starter koenigj


    Hi Marcus and Stefano, are there any news on this?

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