• Resolved joshuaiz



    I’m using Subscribe2 with the Membership WordPress plugin. With Membership, all the registrations go through that plugin so it bypasses the normal WordPress registration page, as well as the Subscribe2 registration page although it uses the normal WP registration functions.

    What I want to do is add the checkboxes for subscribing to email post notifications and/or the digest through this form. So what I need to do this is the code to only show the checkbox for email subscriptions and to save that to the user profile with the other registration data.

    Looking through the plugin code I haven’t found a simple way to do this. Any ideas?


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  • @joshuaiz,

    You probably need to call the Subscribe2 register() function passing in the new user ID. How you code that with the membership plugin you are using will depend on that plugin.

    That said, if the membership plugin uses the same core hooks as WordPress then the registration process should be hooked by Subscribe2 anyway.

    Thread Starter joshuaiz


    I think I am close…this is what I am using for the front-end Membership Account (User Profile) page and if I can get this working, I can add it to the Registration page:

    This is the function that saves the user meta – I’ve added the subscribe2 meta field:

    global $profileuser, $user_id, $user;
    	if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'update') {
    		if( wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'update-user_' . $user_id) ) {
    			$msg = '<div class="alert alert-success">' . __('Your details have been updated.','membership') . '</div>';
    			$user = array( 	'ID'			=>	$_POST['user_id'],
    							'first_name'	=>	$_POST['first_name'],
    							'last_name'		=>	$_POST['last_name'],
    							'nickname'		=>	$_POST['nickname'],
    							'display_name'	=>	$_POST['display_name'],
    							'user_email'	=>	$_POST['email'],
    							's2_subscribed'  =>  $_POST['s2_subscribed'],
    							'user_url'		=>	$_POST['url']
    			if(!empty($_POST['pass1'])) {
    				if(($_POST['pass1'] == $_POST['pass2'])) {
    					$user['user_pass'] = $_POST['pass1'];
    				} else {
    					$msg = "<div class='alert alert-error'>" . __('Your password settings do not match','membership') . "</div>";
    			$errors = edit_user( $user['ID'] );
    			$profileuser = get_user_to_edit($user_id);
    			if ( isset( $errors ) && is_wp_error( $errors ) ) {
    				$msg = "<div class='alert alert-error'>" . implode( "<br/>\n", $errors->get_error_messages() ) . "</div>";
    		} else {
    			$msg = "<div class='alert alert-error'>" . __('Your details could not be updated.','membership') . "</div>";
    		do_action('edit_user_profile_update', $user_id);

    Then this is the part of the user profile form I have added:

    <div class="form-element">
    				<label class="control-label" for="s2_subscribed"><?php _e('Email Subscription', 'membership'); ?></label>
    				<div class="element">
    				<?php $checked = (isset($profileuser->s2_subscribed) && $profileuser->s2_subscribed) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; ?>
    					<input type="checkbox" class="input-checkbox" id="s2_subscribed" name="s2_subscribed" placeholder="" value="<?php echo $checked; ?>" >

    The problem is if the checkbox is unchecked (i.e. if the user unsubscribes from email notifications) it is not saving that value to the user meta. Do I have the meta keys right?


    The ‘s2_subscribed’ key contains a come separated string of subscribed category ids. You also need to create another key for each category called ‘s2_cat’ which the category id concatenated to the meta name and the category id stored as the value.

    Thread Starter joshuaiz


    I don’t need to save the categories as I have only one for members.

    What is the user meta key for the Email Subscription > Subscribe/Unsubscribe checkbox on the User Profile page?


    Also important is the checkbox value(s):


    Are they any of those? If not, what are they.

    That is really all I need and then I should be able to take it from there.


    Thread Starter joshuaiz


    Another update…

    Looking through the plugin and the User Profile page in WP Admin it looks like the key I need is:


    But that is throwing up errors because it using dashes instead of underscores. I thought dashes were not allowed for meta keys.

    Any way to fix that?


    I don’t need to save the categories as I have only one for members.

    You do need to save the category data for each user otherwise Subscribe2 will not email those users when a post is made to that category.

    You can’t use the one-click-subscribe as that is a function, not a meta table entry.

    The category form uses category ids as the values and checks to see if each id is in the list of ‘selected’ or ‘compulsory’ ids that are also passed to the display_category_form() function in classes/class-s2-admin.php.

    Thread Starter joshuaiz


    I see that in the code now.

    In any event I managed to coddle something together using S2 and S2FE although it is really really hacky. I’d provide a link but the front end profile page is for members only.

    Basically I commented out all the format options in S2FE, commented out the select all/unselect all for categories (as I only have one) and used jQuery to change the category text so now that simply displays as a subscribe/unsubscribe checkbox.

    Unfortunately I couldn’t call any of the s2 functions outside of s2 which would have made things immensely easier – I kept getting php call to undefined function errors.

    So checking and unchecking the checkbox is saved to the user profile. Hopefully that actually enables or disables emails for the user, otherwise I just spent several hours just changing the state of a checkbox ??

    Thanks for your help.



    Unfortunately I couldn’t call any of the s2 functions outside of s2 which would have made things immensely easier – I kept getting php call to undefined function errors.

    Might be a bit late now but the easiest way to do the above is by accessing the class object something like this:

    global $mysubscribe2;
    $mysubscribe2->function_name($parameter1, $parameter2);
    Thread Starter joshuaiz


    That is a great tip. I will go back and see if that works as it will be a lot cleaner.

    The other way I looked at briefly was hooking the plugin functions to the init method so they are also available but I didn’t try it.



    Your second approach would probably work too but it’s using more RAM than it needs to. At least you have working code, now it can be tidied and made more efficient.

    Thread Starter joshuaiz


    Of course, the client came back with a bunch of categories so I can use S2FE as intended and that works great ??

    Using this:

    global $mysubscribe2;

    I was able to get the subscribe checkbox which is what I want to use for the Membership registration form. How do I bind that to the existing submit button on that page so it saves it to the newly created user meta?

    Or should I do it a different way?


    When you call the registration code in your Membership plugin call the above lines but pass the new $user_id in as a parameter to the register() function.

    Then of the same user you’ll need to create the correct category keys, something like this:

    $cats = ( isset($_POST['category']) ) ? $_POST['category'] : '';
    foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
    	('' == $catids) ? $catids = "$cat" : $catids .= ",$cat";
    	update_user_meta($user_ID, $mysubscribe2->get_usermeta_keyname('s2_cat') . $cat, $cat);
    update_user_meta($user_ID, $mysubscribe2->get_usermeta_keyname('s2_subscribed'), $catids);

    Thread Starter joshuaiz


    Ok sweetness I’ll give that a go.

    Thread Starter joshuaiz


    Using just this:

    global $mysubscribe2;

    Adds the subscribe/unsubscribe checkbox to the reg form and works beautifully – it saves to the user profile. Then I have the category selection on the front end profile page.

    Thanks again.

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