• Thought I would share my integration with myCRED which is a free points management plugin for WordPress.

    The code below simply awards the logged in user 3 points and logs the points in the users points history as Upload Points.

    Simply add this code to your functions.php in your theme and it will award the points when a user successfully uploads and submits the form. It will only award the points if the user is successful in uploading the said files and form.

    This will also work with the success_page => the URL to redirect on successful submission, defaults to the URL where the form is being displayed. For security reasons this should be an URL on your site (no external links). You can use [fu-upload-response] shortcode to display success/error messages on the given page.

    If a user goes to the success_page => URL without submitting the form then the user won’t be awarded points. This eliminates any cheating.

    You can change the 3 for any point value you want to award e.g. 10,20,30,100 and so and so forth just as long as it is a singular number such as e.g. 100. You can change the log value to show in a users points history as whatever you want also by changing Upload Points.

    The code you will need is as follows:

    add_action('fu_upload_result', 'my_fu_upload_result', 10, 2 );
    function my_fu_upload_result( $layout, $result ) {
        // do something
    echo do_shortcode( '[mycred_give amount="3" log="Upload Points" ref="selfies_reward"]' );

    MyCRED can be download here

    Have fun ??




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