• Thanks for any excellent starter plugin to my overall project with mass integrations.

    For those who want a professional appearance. Try out this premium WordPress plugin using my intergration. Justify Image Grid can be purchased here:


    To integrate with Justified Image Grid simply leave default settings for:

    post_id => ID of the post the image should be attached to. Defaults to the post ID of the post the shortcode is on. in Frontend Uploader

    The simply copy and past into a post or page. For best effects set the post or page to full width with no sidebar. Copy the shortcode below for Justify Image Grid to work.

    Change id=193 to the number assigned to your post or page in my case 193 when editing the said post or page you can find this number in the top URL bar above in your browser.

    [justified_image_grid preset=4 mobile_preset=4 id=193]

    Currently the above shortcode works for preset=4 which is google+ style change the number to the preset that suites you. This can be found in the settings of Justify Image Grid. Make sure Justify Image Grid to the same preset settings both for mobile and desktop.

    You can use custom uploader forms just make sure that the default setting remains to post to the same id as the upload form as default with the plugin!

    How this helps out ??




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