Thank you for this. It gave me the head start I needed to switch over to the new version.
For the convenience of others who may, like me, not find the switchover very obvious, I will repeat the steps I had to follow:
1. Upgrade the plugin to the latest version. NB: After upgrading, your chatbot will stop working until you have completed all the steps here.
2. Connect to
3. Select Assistants, as in the image of the previous message. You should then see a list of Assistants already created, among which there will be one called “WordPress”.
4. Click on the three dots, as in that image, and open “API Details”. Copy the values for Assistant URL, Username and Password. Close that screen by clicking on the X and return to the previous screen.
5. In my case, the Assistant “WordPress” had 0 skills associated with it. (A “skill” is basically the new name for a workspace.). So I had to… Click on the words “Skills” in the WordPress row.
6. Click on the box labeled “Add dialog skill”. A new screen is displayed.
7. Click on “Add existing skill”. You should then see a matrix of the skills already created (corresponding to the old workspaces). Select the skill/workspace that you want to use for the plugin.
8. Return to the Assistants screen. You should now see on the row for WordPress “Skills (1)”, with the name of the selected skill displayed below it.
9. Go to the plugin, Setup the Chatbot | 2. Plugin Setup.
Select the Username/Password option. Paste the values copied above into their respective fields.
10. Save those changes. If necessary, clear caches. The chatbot should now work once again within WordPress.
I hope others find this useful and correct any errors that might appear in these instructions.