I’ve mailed you a link and the following description:
When you open the link you will arrive on the front static page. Then please:
1. Navigate to the BLOG menu entry so you will see the correct look of the posts – please scroll down to the page 2 and notice how the bodies of posts Latex test, Test Syntax Highlighter-a and ?? look like (smiley is the heading of one of posts).
2. Navigate to the Ajax Load More menu entry and scroll down to the same posts as in #1 and compare. You will notice that when the posts are displayed with Ajax Load More, then:
The heading Latex test is missing and the first Latex expression isn’t displayed.
No share/like buttons. I tried a few social sharing plugins but share/buttons are not shown when the posts are displayed by Ajax Load More so that is a very serious issue.
C source code, bash script and JavaScript are not anymore highlighted by the syntax highligting plugin(s) and the last source code (js/html/css example) is displayed as plain text
Emoticon which should be under the text ’37:23′ is displayed ontop of the post’s heading (the heading is the text ‘??‘). So the heading is ‘:-)’ and then there is the text ‘37:23‘ and after that there is emoticon. But if the same post is displayer with Ajax Load More then, as you can see, the emoticon is displayed covering the post’s heading (they are displayed in the same place) and only after that ‘heading + part of the body’ combination – there is the text ’37:23′.
So at the moment I cannot use Ajax Load More plugin at all because the posts are displayed incorrectly and/or with missing headings, and the social sharing icons are missing regardless of which social sharin plugin I use.
Please note I have slow upload speed (10 Mb/s download, 80 kB/s upload) so each page takes a few seconds to show. I will hold this dynamic DNS link working and port 80 opened at least the next 24 hours so you are able to check URL. If you couldn’t open the page please try a few minutes later (maybe I am restarting the PC controlling the network at the moment).