Integrating second menu into single pages
I would like to integrate a vertical menu to sit at the left side of my posts, please view,
In this menu I will include further subcategories to the available subcategories in the top horizontal menu. I have already created the menu in CSS, please view,
This vertical menu is relative to the category that the post has been written for only.
My current main menu is a widget, loaded through the header.php
I have included this vertical menu in my single.php;
<?php get_header(); ?> <div id="bigcolumn"> <?php $post = $wp_query->post; if ( in_category('45') ) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/widgets/single2.html'); } elseif ( in_category('8') ) { include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/widgets/single.html'); } else { ?> <div id="singleleftcolumn"><?php $sec = 1; include TEMPLATEPATH. '/widgets/news_left.html'; ?></div> <div id="singlerightcolumn"><?php $sec = 2; include TEMPLATEPATH. '/widgets/single3.html'; ?></div> <?php } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
Does anybody know how I can integrate this new menu so that it is specific to the category that the post is in, e.g Film, Music… etc.
Code for my horizontal menu is as follows,
<div id="menu"> <?php if ($comfy['menu'] == true) : ?> <ul> <li<?php if(!is_category() && !is_page()) { ?> class="current-cat"<?php } ?>><a href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/" title="Home"><?php print NAV_HOME; ?></a></li> <?php wp_list_categories('orderby=ID&order=ASC&depth=2&hide_empty=0&title_li=&exclude='.$comfy['featured']); ?> </ul> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($comfy['search'] == true) : ?> <form class="searchform" method="get" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/"> <fieldset> <input type="text" value="<?php the_search_query(); ?>" name="s" class="searchfield" /> <input type="submit" value="" class="searchbutton" /> </fieldset> </form> <?php endif; ?> </div>
Any help would be appreciated.
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