For those of you with some web development skills who want to further customize your WordPress integration of the NextGEN Gallery and Monoslideshow, you can make a few tweaks to Alex Rabe’s Monoslideshow plugin to add a “Custom” XML preset.
You’ll need to modify the file named monoslideshow.php in the root nextgen-monoslideshow plugin directory : look for the option values under the <select> with name=”monoslideshow[preset]” (about the middle of the file). Add the following to the end of the options list and save the file:
<option value=”custom” <?php selected(‘custom’, $this->options[‘preset’]); ?> ><?php _e(‘Custom’, ‘monoss’); ?></option>
Now you can use the Demo located at to design a custom XML file. The mod you’ll need to make after creating the XML file is to delete the portion of the “configuration” entry on the 3rd line that begins with “startWithAlbumID” (e.g. startWithAlbumID=”zeptonn”).
For example, if the 3rd line reads as follows:
<configuration delay=”4″ startWithAlbumID=”zeptonn” viewport=”20,20,20,40,offset”>
Change it to read:
<configuration delay=”4″ viewport=”20,20,20,40,offset”>
Now save this XML file with a filename of “custom.xml”.
Finally, using your FTP editor of choice, upload the corrected monoslideshow.php file to the plugin root directory and the custom.xml file to the presets sub-directory.
Now all you need to do is change the option named “Select default preset” in Alex’s Monoslideshow Options to “Custom” to enable your custom slideshow XML.
Hope this of use to some of you.
Maybe Alex will make this mod and add the ability to upload the custom.xml file through the plugin for future users.
Thanks for the great plugin Alex.