• Hi everyone!

    I am having trouble to understand what I need to do in order to access and obtain data from a webservice from a wordpress page.

    What I really need to do is to download a CSV file (or some other data storage file) from an ftp server.

    Can someone please give me some suggestions/hints/resources on how to achieve this?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • wpismypuppet


    Why do you need to do it through WordPress? Can you be more specific in how your operation needs to execute? Where are you downloading the CSV file from? What purpose? Do you need it to be automatically, or manually? Your information is too vague for anyone to offer any real advice.

    You could follow this process:

    1. Create a new shortcode function
    2. Inside this function, write your code to retrive the file from the FTP server (the most well-known solution for this is CURL)
    3. Add your new shortcode to your page

    Just be aware that fetching and processing a file from a remote server like this will make your page very slow. You migh tbe better off looking at an automated function to get the file every few minutes/hours and keep it locally so that there’s no lag on retrieving the file.



    I need to integrate the Wiziq web service into my website, the web service is here:

    The sample codes provided are here (php):

    I need to call and run the wiziq within my website

    Could you please help me how to that.
    Best regards

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