• Hi.
    Now, for 3 days stuck on this problem: hack to make the plugin polyglot.php “inject” the language to set to wp-shopping-cart.php.

    Unfortunately, I’m ways farrer than my php skills…

    Sure it would be vanilla ice cream for any php newbie…

    Anyway, here’s my work :

    In e-commerce, it seems that the language is taken, once, from the admin langage selector, that is managed in wp-shopping-cart.php at line 25 :

    if(get_option('language_setting') != '') {
      }  else  {

    In polyglot.php, I create a new function that return exactly the right string that is required by wp-shopping cart, for exemple :


    function polyglot_wp_cartlang(){ // sort la langue préférée qui est récupérée par shopping-cart comme langue
    	global $polyglot_settings,$wplanglang;
    	$wplanglang = $polyglot_settings['wplang'][$polyglot_settings['lang_pref']] ;
    	return (ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/languages/'.$wplanglang.'.php');

    Then, in wp-shopping-cart.php, I comment the above selector code that I replace by

    include_once(polyglot_wp_cartlang()) ;

    The problem is that, while I can control that my function polyglot_wp_cartlang() return the right string (that I ensure having echoed it in the sidebar template), it don’t “refresh” when called by wp-shopping-cart.php.
    In other words, it stay in fr (that is the default browser language).

    I suspect the scripts execute following a certain order and my issue is that e-Commerce run once, before Polyglot…

    Here it is.
    As I said, I’m stuck.
    Hope to meet somebody who can help me.
    Thanks in advance.


    code for the polyglot plugin

    The WP e-Commerce plugin page

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