• good evening dear developer, good day everybody,

    first of all – i like the Participants-database plugin very much. it is pretty nice designed and very very featurerich. i use the participants database plugin to create a little job market: In this job market i have differnt / various participants. These have access to the market.

    first: the students/jobseekers can write adds to this marketplace – free with an __free__ access
    second: the employers (companies, etc. etx) can write announcements. But they have to pay before they can write an announcement.

    i need a method, that lets me protect the entry-(or submission-) page of the participants-database. In other words: with this method i can ensure that so only the approved members can add a new job offer to the participants database. Therefore i need to set up a certain membership levels (example:jobseeker and employer)

    Question: how to achieve the paid-access – can we do this paid-access with the combination of a plugin!?

    to sume up: i need to Integrate Participants Database with WooCommerce to add paid listing functionality. i want to sell Job Packages (a new product type) as part of the job submission process.

    Does anybody has gained some experience with such achievements allready – are there some methods that let pd work togehter with – woocommerce!?

    btw: here some examples that come into mind:

    Simple Membership

    Paid Memberships Pro

    Ultimate Member

    Membership & Content Restriction – Paid Member Subscriptions

    and last but not least
    WooCommerce powerful, extendable eCommerce plugin

    i have no expericene with any of these – but perhaps some of you allready have..

    love to hear from you


    ps – keep up the great project it rocks!!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by say_hello.
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  • Thread Starter say_hello


    here some examples – to show what is meant!?

    i plan to get more insights how to combine this plugin with some methods that can achieve a so called paid-listing functionality. therefore i have made some insights into the developer-pages at xnau.com

    see more here: https://xnau.com/work/wordpress-plugins/participants-database/participants-database-quick-setup-guide/

    well the developer describes the set up of the plugin participants database: he writes: Meanwhile, the site admin receives an email notifying them of the signup, and provides them with a direct link to the new record.

    see the image:

    https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1YjsBizmrZcXTBGsgmpeKTHVjsNPf35GkCtqdP_qNQfM/pub?w=871&h=397the setup of the login - page

    see some citation of the developer – ideas how to use the plugin: Here’s How We Set That Up

    Place the “[pdb_signup]” shortcode on the page where you want your signup form to appear.
    Go to the “Manage Database Fields” page and select the fields you want to appear in the signup form by checking the “signup” column in those fields.
    Go to the plugin settings page and click on the “Signup Form” tab.
    Set the “Thanks Page” setting to point to the page you want them to go to after they sign up. Place the “[pdb_signup_thanks]” shortcode on that page somewhere. . end of citation:

    the queston is: how to include some kind of woo-commerce or other paiments that allow me to charge some fees before the listing in the db can be made:

    here more details:
    i need a kind of such a plugin – that allows me to restrict the access to a plugin that i make use of: i use the participants database plugin. i use this to create a little job market: in these job market i have differnt / various participants. These have access to the market. first: the students / jobseekers can write adds to this marketplace – free with an __free__ access

    second: the employers (companies, etc. etx) can write announcements. But they have to pay before they can write an announcement.

    so to sume it up: For the employers – that are able to add some job offers we want to set up some paid listings functionality.

    Question: can we do this paid-access!?

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    I would suggest that the best way to do this is to use a membership plugin to manage your users. Those plugins typically allow you to define different types of member, so some would be paid and others not. Once they have an account, you can use Participants Database to manage the listings.

    Each type of member would be able to post a different type of listing, and you can set that up by using a template that shows the user a form based on what kind of user they are.

    There are some ideas here on how to use PDB with WordPress users:

    Using Participants Database with WordPress Users

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    Also, I want to point out that there are “classified ad” or “job board” plugins that may save you a lot of work. Try checking out the options for premium plugins. Even if they are a bit expensive, it can end up being a good deal if it does what you want, considering the amount of coding time you’ll need to invest to get your idea working.

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