Hi there,
We are working on providing more relevant and user-friendly information about payment failures within the order notes and also in the frontend, as the current error messages may not be very clear.
When we receive an API response with a failure from PayPal, we can only assume so much about the actual problem though. PayPal provides a slightly more detailed error description for some failures:
INSTRUMENT_DECLINED: The instrument presented was either declined by the processor or bank or it can't be used for this payment.
This error is usually not related to the plugin or PayPal, but to the bank of the buyer. For example, when a credit card is connected to a PayPal account but is temporarily blocked from the bank when the user tries to pay with it.
The order would first be set to a “Failed” status but the user receives the opportunity to try it again (up to three times). If the user does try again and successfully completes the payment, then the order status should be changed from “Failed” to “Processing”.
Do affected orders remain in a “Failed” status even after the user successfully completed the payment for you @smgdarien?
Kind regards,