• Resolved charles_i


    Sorry I can only find very old information on this when I search. I just want a thumbnail photos layout with a Lightbox popup like on your Docs & Demos page – there are so many configurations in settings that it’s difficult to figure this out without instructions. Do I need to include a special shortcode? Do I need to use a second plugin like Fancybox? If so, how do you actually configure them to work together?



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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Do NOT install a special lightbox plugin, it is embedded in wppa.

    Make sure Table IX-A6 is set to wppa ( the default )

    Select lightbox in table VI wherever you want it ( Table VI-B2 Linktype )

    Thread Starter charles_i


    I have it set to wppa and thumbnail link to lightbox but nothing happens.

    Also, is there any way to edit the thumbnails to select my own content (like the regular WP gallery does).

    Thanks for your speedy response!

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    There is a process ( a plugin or a theme setting ) that prevents the loading of essential html in the footer of the page.
    Technically spoken: the action defined by add_action('wp_footer', 'wppa_load_footer'); as stated in wppa-non-admin.php is not executed.

    Disable all other plugins and try again. When you see the magnifier glass, clicking should display the lightbox overlay.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    I tried disabling all other plugins and it still doesn’t work. I see the magnifier glass and when you click the text “zoom in” but no lightbox. There must be some other conflict.

    I checked your shortcode reference but can’t find any code for lightbox.

    I originally had this and configured everything in Settings:

    Then I tried your short gallery code popup but again, I see no option for Lightbox in the dropdown.

    I actually would like this page to be a stand alone. My other photo pages (the default for the site) will just be a slideshow, so this one needs to be configured with shortcodes so I can use Settings for the rest of the site.


    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    As i explained before, there is somthing missing on the page.
    The following are possible causes:

    Are you sure Table IX-A6 is set to wppa ? If not, the expected code is not generated by wppa+.

    Did you modify the theme? Especially, did you remove <?php wp_footer(); ?> from footer.php ? If so, the code is not imported by the theme.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    Thanks opajaap! The missing <?php wp_footer(); ?> was the problem. I was trying to remove some unecessary template footer code and thought that was part of it.

    So now, is there a way to set the lightbox completely in shortcode so I can put the Settings to slideshow for the rest of the site? Can you give me the shortcode to use? As I said above I don’t see lightbox in your reference.

    Thanks for the great support!

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I don’t see lightbox in your reference.

    That is correct. You can only link from another image to lightbox. You can link from a slideshow image to lightbox, having the whole range available. See the links in Table VI; especially try it from the thumbnails and from the slideshow.

    Thread Starter charles_i


    OK sorry, I see what you mean. What I’m trying to do is make the “default” setup in Settings for my entire site a Slideshow. But for the one page that I have up now I just want Thumbnails that use the Lightbox to open full size – no Slideshow. I had to configure the Settings for Thumbnail only with Lightbox, but there is only one page on my site where I want it (the current one).

    If I change all the Settings to slideshow with no lightbox, how do I create the current page differently (thumbnails with lightbox).

    Hope that explains it a bit better.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    A thumbnail display: [wppa type=”album” album=”13″][/wppa]

    A slideshow: [wppa type=”slide” album=”13″][/wppa]

    Please please please read https://wppa.opajaap.nl/shortcodes-and-scripts/
    This will make life enormously simple for you…

    Thread Starter charles_i


    I have read the short code reference, but again it doesn’t mention lightbox specifically. However, I do have it working now, thanks.

    I’m now trying to upload photos for a new album but I am getting the message:

    Notice: your server allows you to upload 20 files of maximum total 40M bytes and allows unknown seconds to complete. If your request exceeds these limitations, it will fail, probably without an errormessage. Additionally your hosting provider may have set other limitations on uploading files.

    I’m trying to upload 17 files with 26MB – nowhere near the limit. If I try and upload a single file I get:

    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 50855936) (tried to allocate 4320 bytes) in /homepages/38/d93970146/htdocs/staging.thelocalscoop.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa-common-functions.php on line 1227

    If I go back to Upload Photos it says:

    Database fixed. 1 invalid entries removed: 01.jpg

    I tried a zip too, but no luck.

    Somehow I managed to upload my first album without any problem.

    I can FTP these files up to the slideshow-gallery folder myself (in fact I have already done that). Can I connect an album to that once they are uploaded?

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    The shortcode specifies how the initial gallery display will look like.

    Lightbox is an overlay, based upon the current initial display, and activated by a click on an image. So, lightbox is not an initial display type and can therefor not be specified by a shortcode.

    In Table VI you can specify what kind(s) of initial displays should produce a lightbox overlay when you click on a type of image.

    This is the way it is designed and how it works.

    The indication of the maximum upload capabilities is an estimation based on server parameters that are available to the programmer. Unfortunately there is no standard in what parameters that are used here are granted to be available. In most cases this calculation is correct, however as it says: Additionally your hosting provider may have set other limitations on uploading files. not always. You can turn this check off in Table VII-B3.1 and 3.2

    When you open the Import Photos admin page, You will see that you can import photos from your so-called Depot directory. It will say that the depot is empty. You can see the path where your depot is.
    You can ftp photos to that directory and import them to wppa+ using the Import Photos admin screen. You can switch to a different directory ( see Import photos from: ) and set it by pressing the Set source directory button.
    You may also ftp zipfiles to the depot. They are importable in two passes, the first will unzip the file(s), the second pass you can check which photos to import to what album.

    The out of memory error you got was during the creation of the thumbnail image and is related to the size of the original image in pixels. Try resizing your source images on your local pc to the desired final pixelsize

    Thread Starter charles_i


    Thanks for all your explanations. I’ll experiment some more with the shortocdes.

    You were right about the pictures – it was the file size. Once I compressed them quite a bit they were able to upload. Good to know that the Depot can be used as well.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Beautifull! Note: there are two sizes you must keep in mind: The Filesize (MB’s) plays a role in the upload as such ( your limit 40 mb etc ) and the Photosize (MP’s) plays a role in downsizing the image and creating the thumbnail. The server needs approx 6 bytes per pixel of the original image, so uploading a photo of 7 MB is not a problem in the upload as such ( 7 < 40 ), but may be a problem during processing ( Needs approx 42 mb server memory for the picture only, plus the program, so you will need at least approx 64 mb server memory to do this).
    If the pixelsize is too big, you will get the out of memory error.

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