• looklookd


    I was able to change incorrect grammar in out-going email confirmation text with the following:
    Dashboard>Plugins>Installed Plugins.
    Find: Easy Coming Soon, click Edit, this will take you to Edit Plugins page.
    Find: Plugins File, far right column.
    Find & click on: easy-coming-soon/template/coming_soon_display.php
    Code for this file will appear in Edit Plugins window on left.
    Scroll almost to bottom & find following:
    $to1 = $email;
    $subject1 = “Coming soon page”;
    $message1 = “Thank you for subscribing. We will notify you soon.”;
    $from1 = $notification_settings[’email_address’];
    $headers1 = “From:” . $from1;
    Change text to your preference as I did & click red Update File button at bottom. This should do it, check with a test email.


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  • There is no EDIT on my

    Hi Mars.

    Follow this process to chnage email confirmation text

    1) Open your plugin directory -> easy-coming-soon -> template -> coming_soon_display.php

    2) Open coming_soon_display.php file in any editor.

    3) go to line no. 181 and find below code in your file.

    $to1 = $email;
            $subject1 = "Coming soon page";
            $message1 = "Thank you for subscribing us. We will notify you soon";
            $from1 = $notification_settings['email_address'];
            $headers1 = "From:" . $from1;

    4) Here you are able to change email confirmation text.


    Plugin Author a.ankit


    We have just pushed an update.. The grammatical errors are now fixed.

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