• Has anybody tried using Instant WordPress on local machine? looking to learn bout wordpress but don’t want to work on a active/live site,
    Have been told this would work for me could even down load my existing site to work on, without interfering with the online site, your thoughts on this

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  • I tired downloading Instant word-press but nothing just opens up to blank page and says redirecting and that’s all it does ??

    I have been using Instant WordPress for several months with no issues. I also bought his ebook which explains how to move your site back and forth between online and offline.

    I’ve downloaded instant wordpress and it won’t open to the control panel. I followed instructions under FAQ for windows 7 all to no avail. I’ve closed firewalls, turned off internet security, clicked on windows 7 compatibility and etc. I just get a blank screen that eventually says internet access denied. Anyone else found a way around this?



    Hi Gomango

    I am happy to hear someone that has success using InstantWordPress. I downloaded, installed on a working WordPress site, created a local site, modified/added content without so much as a problem of any kind. So clean and easy I felt buying the book and following the setp-by-step instructions would be the fastest, easiest, most accurate method of updating the online website. I found the ebook vauge and incomplete in the logic but followed it to the “T” anyhow. After a few days I find two things. 1-I have read and followed the ebook exactly. 2- You seem to be the only person that I have found that is successful using InstantWordPress to go back and forth between online and offline. Any hints or help would be much appriciated. I would write the author but I wrote him about a week ago (different matter) and have not received a reply although he took my money for the ebook “instantly”.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Any hints or help would be much appriciated.

    Rather than bringing back to life an old thread (which isn’t really about your topic) why not just start your own topic instead?


    BTW moving from a localhost installation to an online one is 100% identical to moving from one site to the other.


    Your server name and URL change from the localhost:4001 to your-real-wordpress-url.com. Same work as in that link.

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