• Hi I installed WAMP using the default settings.
    When I run the wordpress install it opens a web page saying I need to:- 2.Open wp-admin/install.php in your browser
    When I click on wp-admin.php a window pops up saying Do i want to open or save this file so I click on open and install.php opens in Worpad.

    Next it says “1.If for some reason this doesn’t work, don’t worry. It doesn’t work on all web hosts. Open up wp-config-sample.php with a text editor like WordPad or similar and fill in your database connection details.”

    What database connections details do I have to put in. Also do I have to pre-configure the WAMP setup in order to have these details?

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  • I tried all the steps (1-14) and ofcourse using the root dir as “C:\wamp\www”. But my problem is different.

    1. During installation process I got this message:

    “All right sparky! You’ve made it through this part of the installation. WordPress can now communicate with your database. If
    you are ready, time now to…”

    2. I clicked on “run the install”
    3. I filled the installtion form with following information:

    “site title: wpsite
    username: wpadmin
    pass: asdf1234
    email: [email protected]
    privecy: unchecked”

    4. After clicking “install wordpress” it shows only the wordpress title with wordpress logo, everything else are blank.
    (url was “localhost/wpsite/wp-admin/install.php?step=2”)

    5. After reloading that page I got this message:

    “Already Installed.
    You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall
    please clear your old database tables first.”

    6. I can enter the front end of the site using “localhost/wpsite/” but cant log in the admin panel with that admin user and password which I used during installation.

    I have noticed that the table “wp_users” and “wp_usermeta” remain blank after installation.

    wamp: 2.2
    wp: 3.4.1

    please let me know what can i do???

    if this is fresh install you can drop all database tables and try to install again.

    thanks for reply. yes it is a fresh installation. still its not working.

    Then delete the database and wp-config.php file and recreate a database and run install again.

    its still not working. i removed all database and wp-config.php and tried again. After that i also tried by re installing fresh copy of both wamp and wordpress. but result is same as before.

    I have my wamp installed and word press running as localhost. Here is my issue. I am using IE9 and FF17 to browse. 7/10 times I have to click on everything twice. Whether it is opening the localhost WP site, phpmyadmin or just clicking around within in the Wp dashboard.

    Anyone ever experience this?

    @dterrazas: As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic. Posting in an existing topic prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Added to which, your problem – despite any similarity in symptoms – is likely to be completely different.



    @joyanta007 I am having the same exact issue. Did you ever figure out a solution? Its a very strange occurrence.



    Jesus…you guys have me SCARED on whether or not i should install it on my machine.

    I’ve been using it and directly loging in from the wp-admin page with my local service.


    Clayton James



    It’s the dissemination of huge volumes of diverse and often inaccurate information describing unnecessary steps surrounding an otherwise fairly straight forward process that creates that perception.

    In reality WampServer on Win 7 is a piece of cake.

    1) Make sure there are no other installed/running instances of Apache, MySQL, IIS, or php on the machine.

    2) WampServer on Win 7 has a prerequisite of Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable

    3) This is Optional: Strawberry Perl for Windows if you intend to run MySQL perl scripts on windows.

    Installation steps.

    a) install Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable

    b) install WampServer, create a WordPress database and user using phpMyadmin (supplied by the Wampserver installation)

    c) download and install WordPress using the published WordPress install procedure, directly to the www directory, which is easily accessible by the shortcut located in the Wampserver system tray icon menu

    d) Apache modules such as mod_rewrite are loaded by accessing the WampServer > Apache > loaded modules menu from the green icon in the system tray. It’s as simple as a single mouse click next to the desired module. WampServer even restarts Apache for you.

    – No manual .ini or .conf file configuration is required under normal circumstances.

    Once you muddle through it using the provided tools and easy access configuration menus from the system tray, it very quickly makes short work of setting up a WordPress development environment. It’s a lot less complicated than it’s often made out to be.



    Thank you Clayton…!

    [email protected]


    Thanks, this is very helpful for me…
    I’m also having problem in windows 7 with wamp

    Hello dave i have done till step 12 and i have created database there and after that it shows the message user name and password is correct but database not found . Plz help me out….

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