• oweniverson


    I was wondering if anyone had a link to some detailed instructions on how to do this. I initially started with apt-get, but then found that someone said to forget that and just unzip to /var/www/ and go from there.

    it seems like my LAMP install might be wonky (meaning i’ve screwed something up). when i go to create the wp-config.php file, i get an immediate “Error connecting to database” message. like it’s not even seeing mysql.

    currently i’ve been trying these instructions:

    but the line in step 3:
    sed 's/www/www\/wordpress/g' default > wordpress
    returns the error “sed: can’t read default: No such file or directory”

    i have a site that i built under WAMP and everything was smooth. when i tried migrating it to Ubuntu, it just didn’t work. that’s when i tried simply starting a wp site from scratch and that also doesn’t work, so i’m thinking it’s something about my LAMP setup that i’ve got wrong.

    anyone have any thoughts or guidelines??


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  • Abhishek Ghosh


    Goal is to learn, not to copy-paste the commands. Always run ls after changing the directory unless you are 100% what are there.

    That kind of guide is for Ubuntu 10.04, Saucy Salamander has differences on Apache2 part. CD to to /etc/apache2/sites-available and do ls :

    $ cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
    $ ls
    # output will be
    000-default.conf default-ssl.conf

    default is 000-default.conf now. Please use pwd, ls commands wherever you are running some important command. Search / post on Ubuntu forum, there will be quite good help.

    Anyway, it is good that you have upgraded to Unix like OS.
    Also, there are ready made WordPress virtual appliances which you can run directly on VirtualBox without installing anything on local computer.

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