• Resolved tadamu



    I’m new to WordPress, so wanted to install it locally on my mac, so that I could mess around with my site offline and get comfortable with WordPress before taking the site live.

    I watched a few YouTube tutorials on how to install Mamp and wordpress locally. Everything seems to be installed correctly, Worpress is working, but I noticed that all the tutorials I watched say to access your local server you must type in https://localhost:8888 My server does not recognise this ,but it does recognise https://localhost which works perfectly fine.

    My question is – Is this ok, or could it potentially create problems later on when I try to take my site live?

    Sorry if this is a very basic and stupid question. I’m new to this ?

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  • The default Apache port setting for MAMP is 8888, which then gives you the URL of https://localhost:8888. If you are successfully accessing your server (site?) at https://localhost then you must have changed that to port 80 in the MAMP settings.

    This will not create any problems when moving the site “live” as all the URLs will need to be changed once moved. Not to fret: there is a plugin for that, and one of the more popular ones, and the one I always use, is:


    — select all options EXCEPT the last one (GUID)

    Thread Starter tadamu


    Thanks 2ninerminer2, that is exactly what I did, and thanks for recommending the plugin. I will definitely give it a try once I get to that point. ??

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