*Jan drinks more coffee and goes on a small tangent*
@jan and @esmi we are all correct….
Right. Next time please check yourself before you make statements like that when others make suggestions. Or at least disagree respectfully. ??
Not a death knell by any means.
Aaaand I respectfully disagree with you there. It’s not that yogachikitsa (great user ID BTW ?? ) will lack support but by modifying files in the same directory called themes/twentyeleven
when the update comes out all those changes will get deleted.
Right now that site is using Jetpack’s Custom CSS module and that’s a good thing as that will preserve your CSS changes. But what we were discussing modifying the theme’s header.php
file and that should either be done in a child theme (yes, I am a broken record on coffee) or via a whole new copy of the theme with a whole new name.
*We now return to our regularly scheduled topic*
Back to the original question:
Thanks Jan! I’ve created a child theme for my site (I think ?? )
Maybe. ?? Have you made changes to the header.php
file? If you have then I or others including HallMarc may be able to provide you some easy steps to get that into your very own child theme. But knowing what changes to PHP files (if any) would help that discussion a little.
From looking at your site (very relaxing color scheme) it looks like you know your way with CSS. I’m sure a child theme if you need one wouldn’t be hard for you to do.