• Resolved eddesign41



    Nous souhaiterions installer ce pixel sur notre site:

    <!-- Xandr Universal Pixel - Initialization (include only once per page) --> <script> !function(e,i){if(!e.pixie){var n=e.pixie=function(e,i,a){n.actionQueue.push({action:e,actionValue:i,params:a})};n.actionQueue=[];var a=i.createElement("script");a.async=!0,a.src="https://acdn.adnxs.com/dmp/up/pixie.js";var t=i.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];t.insertBefore(a,t.firstChild)}}(window,document); pixie('init', 'd17a51f7-4e3d-4fbe-9d2c-3e0fb3298ff8'); </script> <!-- Xandr Universal Pixel - PageView Event --> <script> pixie('event', 'PageView'); </script> <noscript><img src="https://ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=d17a51f7-4e3d-4fbe-9d2c-3e0fb3298ff8&e=PageView&script=0" width="1" height="1" style="display:none"/></noscript>

    Nous l’avons intégré avec votre fonctionnalité “Ajouter un script de tierce partie”, nous voudrions savoir si celui-ci a bien été pris en compte par votre plug-in.

    Merci d’avance pour votre aide.

    Site web concerné:

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  • Hi @eddesign41,

    Unfortunately I can’t open the link you added, but it should be no problem to add this pixel with our script center. Have you seen this article to help guide you through this: https://complianz.io/integrating-plugins/?

    I use the Chrome extension “Tagbird” to help check if anything gets fired before and/or after consent to ensure it is implemented correctly.

    If you would still like us to take a look, just let us know your URL so we may do so.

    Kind regards, Kim van Dijk

    Thread Starter eddesign41


    Bonjour, effectivement nous ne comprenons pas pourquoi le lien n’affiche pas la photo de l’URL du site concerné. Nous ne postons plus directement les URL car étant référencé sur Google, cela donne une mauvaise image aux sites concernés.

    Essayez avec celui-ci, cela devrait être bon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LuuXRbUpJScilZ9XH–FWdmpcKDLYlSH/view

    Nous avons testé votre extension google et il semblerait que le pixel n’a pas été pris en compte par Complianz malgré les recommandations de votre topic https://complianz.io/integrating-plugins/

    Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @eddesign41,

    The Google Drive links unfortunately don’t seem to work, but just to note: if you’re sharing an URL to your website in the “Page I need help with” field, that won’t affect your SEO efforts.

    For the attached script I would recommend trying a set-up like below:

    #1: Add the <noscript> part of this script manually to your page(s). This could, for example, be done within a file of your (child) theme, or with a plugin like Header Footer Code Manager by setting the “Location” to Footer.

    <noscript><img src="https://ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=d17a51f7-4e3d-4fbe-9d2c-3e0fb3298ff8&e=PageView&script=0" width="1" height="1" style="display:none"/></noscript>

    #2: Navigate to Complianz > Integrations > Script Center > Add a third-party script and place the following code in the field. Note: Please save this new integration with the Save button under the Plugins or Services section (instead of the Save button under Add a third-party script).

    !function(e,i){if(!e.pixie){var n=e.pixie=function(e,i,a){n.actionQueue.push({action:e,actionValue:i,params:a})};n.actionQueue=[];var a=i.createElement("script");a.async=!0,a.src="https://acdn.adnxs.com/dmp/up/pixie.js";var t=i.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];t.insertBefore(a,t.firstChild)}}(window,document); pixie('init', 'd17a51f7-4e3d-4fbe-9d2c-3e0fb3298ff8');

    #3: Similar to the above. Navigate to Add a third-party script and place the following code in the field. The same note applies, please use the Save button under the Plugins or Services section to save your changes (instead of the Save button under Add a third-party script).

    pixie('event', 'PageView'); 

    Hope it helps!

    Kind regards, Jarno

    Thread Starter eddesign41


    Merci pour votre suivi.

    Malheureusement, malgré vos recommandations aucun pixel n’apparait via Tagbird. Seul les cookies de GA4 apparaissent !

    Pour le lien du site il est malheureusement trop tard, le ticket étant déjà ouvert. Dites moi si celui-là est accessible, sinon pouvons-nous vous envoyez le lien par mail?


    Merci d’avance pour le support;

    Plugin Contributor jarnovos


    Hi @eddesign41,

    You are correct, these “custom” scripts won’t show up in TagBird (I’d mainly recommend using it for Analytics/Tag Manager only).

    But I have checked the website attached in your screenshot, and I can see that this Pixel script is correctly blocked, and only loaded after you consent to “Marketing” in the Cookie Banner. So, the implementation appears to be correct already!

    Kind regards, Jarno

    Thread Starter eddesign41


    Merci, c’est parfait une fois de plus??

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