Installed Plugin not reducing
Hi there,
I installed the plugin in a couple of days ago, but it’s having no effect on my website’s bounce rate. Is there something else I need to do to activate it, what’s the problem?
Kindest regards,
What’s the next step?
Yes, that looks better. Could you check Analytics -> Real Time -> Events if you see the event “Time” there. Of course you need visitors to your website… Otherwise you can check tomorrow under Behaviour -> Events.
I am on your website now.
I am on the Real Tiem > Events.
there is people on the website but zero information about bounce rate,
Am I missing something?
You don’t see “Time” there?
all the times are at zero, do you have an email I can send you a screen print of it?
I really have no clue. It should work if the Analytics’ code comes after the plugin’s code in the head section. You could send a screenshot to okoth1 on gmail. Maybe you can also send me the header.php?
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
I tried to place the header.php here but it wouldn’t let me.
I sent you an email with the screenshot
<!DOCTYPE html>
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$menuClass = ‘nav’;
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$primaryNav = wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘secondary-menu’, ‘container’ => ”, ‘fallback_cb’ => ”, ‘menu_class’ => $menuClass, ‘echo’ => false ) );
if ($primaryNav == ”) { ?>
<ul class=”<?php echo $menuClass; ?>”>
<?php if (et_get_option(‘lucid_home_link’) == ‘on’) { ?>
<li <?php if (is_home()) echo(‘class=”current_page_item”‘) ?>>“><?php esc_html_e(‘Home’,’Lucid’) ?>
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else echo($primaryNav);
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<!–<div class=”container header_old”>
// if (is_home()) { /* echo do_shortcode(‘[layerslider id=”1″]’); */ echo get_touchcarousel(1); } else { echo ‘‘; } ?>
</div>–> <!– end .container –>
<div id=”main-area”>
<div class=”container”>Both screenshot and header.php look OK. It’s a total mystery to me.
One other thing you could do to see if there are any js problems. In Chrome, you could press F12 and then click on Console. You should see something like this.
Are there any errors?
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
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