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  • Plugin Author Ankit Pokhrel


    Hello metame,

    I checked the plugin (v2.0.1) in a fresh WordPress(v3.8.1) installation and it is working as it should. Please visit these posts. Hopefully it will help you to solve the issue.




    Thread Starter metame


    Hi Ankit, I looked at what you advised, and saw I had to click the URL, and that at least inserted image into second featured image in the page set up. I updated, but still not seeing a second featured image… what I am I doing wrong?

    I have similar problems:

    TypeError: imgUrl is undefined

    What a pitty, it seems that this could be exactly what I need.

    Plugin Author Ankit Pokhrel


    Hello Sixtyseven,

    Sorry to know that it didn’t work for you. I just tried it in fresh installation (WP 3.8.1 and Plugin ver. 2.0.2 ) and it is working as it should.

    Would you like to try ver. 3.0.0? It is still under development but you can use it for normal use. You can download it from here (master branch). Sadly i am still not able to write the documentation for this version.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Ankit Pokhrel


    Hello Sixtyseven,

    Sorry to know that it didn’t work for you. I just tried it in fresh installation (WP 3.8.1 and Plugin ver. 2.0.2 ) and it is working as it should.

    Would you like to try ver. 3.0.0? It is still under development but you can use it for normal use. You can download it from here (master branch). Sadly i am still not able to write the documentation for this version.

    Thank you!

    Hello Ankit,

    I’ll give it a try when I am in the office on monday. You’ll get a feedback a.s.a.p. Thank you for your effort and greetings from Germany!

    Hello Ankit,

    the new Version works like a charm ?? Although I probably have a proposal for a little enhancement:

    In my case I need to fetch a special image size called ‘blog_featured’. So I have to fetch those like this:

    if( class_exists('Dynamic_Featured_Image') ) {
    	global $dynamic_featured_image;
           $dfi_featured = $dynamic_featured_image->get_post_attachment_ids($post->ID);
           # Now, loop through the image to display
    	   foreach($dfi_featured as $image){
    		  $attachment_id = intval($image);
    		  $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, 'blog_featured');
    		  if (count($src) == 4) {
    		  	$feat_images[] = '<img width="'.$src[1].'" height="'.$src[2].'" src="'.$src[0].'" >';

    It would be nice, if you could return all registered image sizes in the function get_featured_images(), not only ‘thumb’ and ‘full’. Would make my life as a ‘pseudo-programmer’ a lot easier ??

    Plugin Author Ankit Pokhrel


    Hello sixtyseven,

    Glad to know that it worked ?? . Thank you for the enhancement proposal along with the solution. I will add this functionality in the future version.

    A plugin review at would be a great help ??


    Done! Your support was gladly appreciated!

    I probably have another little enhancement proposal. How about having a setting for the post types, in which the meta box appears? I think there is no need for a settings page, a simple hook will do:

    $filter = array( 'attachment', 'revision', 'nav_menu_item' );
    $postTypes = get_post_types();
    do_action('dfi_post_types', $postTypes);
    $postTypes = array_diff( $postTypes, $filter );

    by doing so, we could have an easy interface, like this:

    add_filter('dfi_post_types', 'my_function');
    function my_function($postTypes){
    	$posttypes_to_exclude = array('posttype1','posttype2','posttype3');
    	foreach ($posttypes_to_exclude as $posttype){
    		$key = array_search($posttype,$postTypes);
    	return $postTypes;

    But maybe incorporating a settings page would be the key for a future update ??

    Oh boy, the above code is a mess. It should be

    $postTypes = apply_filters( 'dfi_post_types', $postTypes );

    instead of the do_action hook, and the call should be

    add_filter('dfi_post_types', 'remove_post_types', 10, 1);

    I should eventually test my code before posting it ??

    Plugin Author Ankit Pokhrel


    Hello sixtyseven,

    Nice idea! Since you have already provided the solution, how about being the contributor of the plugin? You can fork, make changes and send the pull request. This project can be found in github:


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