• Resolved juusan


    I read over all the documentation and can’t see a reason why I’m having trouble.

    I installed the plugin and then viewed some of my older posts. The plugin works fine for some posts, but not for others. Here’s one example where it’s not working:


    Here’s my story: I’m running the most recent version of WP with the most recent version of the Genesis theme. Most of my images are added to the posts via the media library in WP (I know the plugin won’t work for the posts without the photo in the media library… I need to go back and fix those manually).

    How come it works for some posts but not others?


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  • Same problem here. Installed, but no featured images appear on old posts.
    Website: https://e-motion.lt

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    Please read before posting…

    All the answers I can give you are in the above link.

    Wow. So that is what arrogance looks like.
    Reading did not solve the problem though. My images are not external. You could have written that images should have an “attached to post” status in library manager, as it took me some time to figure out what you are talking about.
    But thanks for quick support anyway.

    Plugin Author Samuel Aguilera


    Reading did not solve the problem though. My images are not external. You could have written that images should have an “attached to post” status in library manager, as it took me some time to figure out what you are talking about.

    Maybe you should read better readme and FAQ before installing.

    And that is in the link I have provided you too, the first point says it clear:

    This plugin only works with the first image attached to the post. An image attached to a post is an image that was uploaded from add/edit screen for that particular post.

    So maybe you should look at the mirror to see how arrogance looks like.

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